
It was really nice. My favorite part was how everyone just minded their own business and happily moved off the bike path when they noticed us approaching. Everyone was so relaxed and happy.

Howdy today sir abitcoinskeptic! That brings up another question: are the people in Japan more polite and nicer, generally speaking, than in America? I know they are more respectful towards the older generations.

I find the people in Japan to be quite polite. In general, I've found they are the most polite people in the world even when you offend them or disrespect them. They are still polite when they are angry which may make it difficult for non-Japanese people to notice when crossing a line.
However, there are definitely rude people everywhere I've been Japan included.

Howdy sir abitcoinskeptic! Oh, I would be afraid of offending sit easy to do? Do they have alot of social rules? Do you still have to take off your shoes when you go to a private owner's house?

They have many social rules. Foreigners aren't expected to follow most, however the shoe thing is important to follow. I've noticed this in all East Asian countries.

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How do you know the rules when you first get there, did you have friends that told you how to act?

Usually if you are invited to someone's house theybwill explain. People don't really have house partys in Asia. But yeah, when I first moved out here there were definitely some awkward moments and mistakes. Most people just laugh it off if it is not malicious.

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