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RE: Stone and mud houses in the Himalaya

in #photography8 years ago

lol, they definitely saw most of their planks by hand out there. the powerlines come from micro-hydro installs typically, it depends, but most of the actual villages out there usually manage to get some form of micro-hydro running, gives people lights, and occasionally a satellite television ...they love the television, it's amazing :P

Yeah, I've been jamming with Troilo a bit, he makes beautiful art, that guitar is gorgeous


ha ha .. did my reply .. make the KitteN .. ?? nervous ?? - ))
yeah right !! - ))

i'm OFF for a leg work-out .. can't wait !! - ))
UUUUUUUuuuuhGG ... yes yes .. endurance .. i hear YOU - ))

ha ha )))))))))

Lol!!! no, i've been working on refitting this natural gas stove to propane for our house, it's taking a while lol...I can't be on Steemit 24/7 despite my best efforts to do so some days :P

Sydney is going to come home and be did WHAT for three weeks while I was gone !!! And I'll be like, no it's awesome I promise, there's all these wonderful people, and it was FUN...and she'll like...we're setting a bedtime for you!

GOOD for HER !!! - )))
She is likely the ONLY HumaN 'in' YOUr LIFE .. ???
.. who can KICK YOUr ASS !!??!! - ))

(( i'm guessing the, "KEEP MOVING" strategy ... ???
IS NOT !!! .. an effective TOOL ? .. to FIgHT HER !! - ))
ha ha )))

WELL ??? - )))
.. YOU could always do a QuicK,
ITCHY's .. bed TIME STORY !! - ))

IN that .. WE STEEM .. would probably sUPport ?? ??
... a KITTEN CURFEW !! - ))

ha ha )))

greb'Z )

LOL!!! oh dear...a kitten curfew! yes :P maybe the bedtime story is the way to go haha. hmmmm

ha ha ... i'll trade YOU .. the patent - ))
IF, i'm allowed to .. cut HALF of my work-OUT ?? - ))
?? - ))

hey fur-ro-shus! My good friend Lily just made her intro post as LadyLunasi, Would you go say hi?!!! THANKYOU!!!!

WoW ... YOU kNOW some AMazZING CATS !! - ))
HER .. "MAgicAL + STRAIGHT POOL" !! - ))

HolY MolY !! - ))
.. thanks for the HeadS UP !! - ))

FOR-ro-SHUS .. !!! ??? !!! - )))
ha ha - )))

.. yeah .. "" i'm "" .. crazy ??? - )))

ha hahaha hahah hahh ahAAA )))))))))))