
Sad to think of it like that!

You could have made an informative post about the beauty of steem fest, uniting people from around the world and all the great things they are working on and trying to achieve.
Yet you resorted to being lazy, posting a bunch of posey pictures with no writing that have no meaning to anyone but you.
It's the equivalent of you posting a picture of admiring yourself in the mirror.
Zero value added to steemit community. Thank you.

Read the title: After Steemfest.

And just because it hasn't value to you, it doesn't mean there is no value. I know you think that this is a stupid, lazy post in which I didn't even write a lot, but you don't even see the effort I put in taking these photos (which I absolutely loved taking, that's where this justification actually should end because in first line I did it for myself) and afterwards editing them with photoshop. It's a way of expression and it's ok to not like it but please- just respect my work. Thanks.

Trust me, no value whatsoever to me, or anyone else.
In your self obsessive view you fail to comprehend real value with your "effort" of snapping a posing selfie.
And no, for the love of real "expression" I cannot respect your shitpost you call "work".

;) I'm really feeling bad for you in a way.

I know. You really should! I've seen this post 4 times now replying to you. Eyes hurt...

just leave lol