
You're welcome! No, I don't use them in my cooking, but I eat them with some salt mixed with sugar and chilies. Really yummy! ;)

The baby or the matured ones? Forst time to hear about sugar in it, but i suppose it's so sour.
I was told they can be made into jams too.

I love to eat the matured ones! Yes, it's very sour indeed.... I don't know that they can be made into jams. That's really great! ;)

Yes i was told that. But with the matured ones...arent your gums and inner lips get sore?

Yes, my gums and inner lips may get sore, but because of its taste which is very yummy, I may forget about it while eating.... ;D

I betcha...a shame though as we just let them mature till they fell off. Here, it's just used in cooking but still rare.

They are rare here, too. But, I'm lucky that my sister plant the tree in her garden. ;)