Today, I Just Wasn't In The Mood.

in #photography4 years ago

I didn't want to edit a photo today. I just wasn't feeling it. I'm not feeling much of anything at the moment. My depression gets the best of me from time to time and I just don't feel like doing much of anything. I don't like feeling this way, but it's just the way I am. Sometimes, I literally have to force myself to complete the most simple of tasks, but for me; it can be a huge accomplishment. I really enjoy being productive, but getting to that point can be so difficult sometimes. There is a stigma against adult males who suffer from depression. I'm going to make it a point to talk about my struggles more often. Idk man, I just hope others who struggle don't feel as alone as I do when I struggle.
Have a good day, friends!

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Stay Rad. Be Happy!


Yeah man, take it easy.

I try..

yep, same... i almost made a post today...... almost....

Make one today instead!

I totally did!