New York City, New York | Istanbul, Turkey | Cape Town, South Africa | Harare, Zimbabwe | Livingstone, Zambia | Lusaka, Zambia | Tunduma, Tanzania | Arusha, Tanzania | Istanbul, Turkey | Nazaré, Portugal
7 flights, 5 buses, 92 hours spent traveling, stayed the night in 10 different hostels and slept in 3 airports.
3,000 photographs captured.
I love photographing my travels as well as sharing my experiences with you. Unfortunately I found that when I include multiple photos in a post, they tend to take quite some time to load and no one appreciates lag time. So I present to you my Photo of the Day!
Witnessed this beauty of a sunset after spending all day hiking mountains in the Cape Reserve. This is why I will be back to Cape Town!
The pictures are beautiful, but they don't touch your smile.
Wow! Now after this picture I need to be there too ;)
I agree it's cool
Wonderful scenery - very dramatic
What a beautiful picture. I look forward to seeing more from you. I lived in Cape Town for some years and the pictures brought fond memories.
Welcome back safely to USA. I would love to travel like you are. Must be fun.
Up voted and already followed while back. Look at my newest content about my life in the new orphanage.
Wow. Simply gorgeous.