I had the privilege of taking these photos when I was in Japan. The owner of the car was happy for me to shoot. I believe it is a 1988 Porsche 911 Turbo.
This was outside Akiba Culture Zone (アキバカルチャーズゾーン), in Tokyo.
The main decal theme is from LoveLive! Anime/Game franchise. Enjoy!
#japan #goals #tokyo #anime #gaming #lovelive #otaku
#akihabara #art #photography #porsche #turbo
src: https://supload.com/HJe1dnkp6-
src: https://supload.com/r1Myu3kTTW
src: https://supload.com/rywyOnJaT-
src: https://supload.com/HJOkOny6Tb
src: https://supload.com/H1UJuhJapW
src: https://supload.com/HyHyu2kp6W
src: https://supload.com/r1QkuhJapW
src: https://supload.com/HkV1d3kapW
src: https://supload.com/H1Wy_nJppZ
complete high res album: https://supload.com/Hyk_hJpTb