Hi @englishtchrivy, those are some great shots of the dragonfly looking critter! Good luck with your entries.
I couldn't agree more; always choose creativity over begging. I'm not even going to discuss the soulless con artists I've seen in my first two months here on Steemit, let's talk about the other end of the spectrum!
We are creative beings! Our minds are firing connections as we read and communicate. When we create, we share with the universe. We can cast ideas around the globe in nanoseconds thanks to the Internet. Our interactions drive creation and we are natural born creators. This modern world was not built by beggars. It was built by creators.
Rather than asking for followers, I try to give a reason for someone to follow me. That makes perfect sense (to me), but some seem to think that incessantly begging is the answer to 'building bridges'. Little do they know they are torching the rope bridge..🔥😆
This was a dynamite phrase that made me read on and ultimately want to give you a high five through my iPad.:
It's freaking easy to help specially if you are able isn't it? However, helping someone too often could lead the person to become too dependent. Too dependent is not a good thing to develop - its the road to parasitism and creating an overly dependent community would hamper each individual's capacity to become the best that they can ever be.
Boom! That is better than I could've put it. One saying that I keep in the back of my mind - Protégés want what you know, Parasites want what you have.
Earned a follower - because I like your wit and critter photos
Only thing I'll ever beg of you: only follow me if you brought directions; I might be lost 😂
thank you
funny, we seem to be attending the same seminars?
I wonder if you are actually one of my "warrior" friends
My pleasure, @englishtchrivy, My wife says that my stubbornness and resilinecy alone make me a warrior..haha
You attend seminars with like-minds and you have warrior friends? I like you already 😎. We are gonna get along famously
yes :)
i actually thought you are one of my friends in a certain .. club
anyway, am damn glad to bump along with you
Who knows, we might be ;)