My First (Terrible) Food Photos

in #photography4 years ago

Throwing it back today. I was going through some old pictures from when I was first learning food photography. Guys, these are sooooo bad but it's fun to see how much I've learned. Alright, let the embarrassment begin.
What things in your life can you look back on and see huge improvements? Tell me in the comments.

Let's start with this one. UGH, OMG the colors are so bad. I somehow thought it would be a good idea to use every color in the rainbow in this background. face palm.


This was, I think chicken and dumplings. Based on the shadows and the distracting white-out around the corners is hard to tell. Also, like, could I not have put a bit more in the bowl? This looks like a peasant serving. So awful.


Wow, where do I even begin? Um, firstly this plate is the worst! I had no concept of nice looking dishes. Pretty sure this was a cheap plastic plate. The subject itself doesn't look horrible but the crop on this is atrocious. Someone go tell past me about the rule of thirds, oh man.


:| UGHHHHHHH. That's all I have to say for this one. I can't even look at it long enough to critique it. So horrendous.


Another bowl of unidentified soup and, blah, those dishes again. I clearly had no taste at all.


Haha, I hope you guys enjoyed my ragging on myself, but I also hope you know it's totally okay to start something new and be terrible at it. That's the best way to learn.