Sphaerophoria scripta lives a full life cycle from an egg to an adult in sixteen days. On average, this species can produce nine generations per year. They are very fond of yellow daisies. Sphaerophoria scripta are very fast but sometimes hang in flight and then you can take a photo. I offer you my photos of watching these amazing insects.
Сamera: Nikon D3400 | 55mm
Photos by @grildrig
Lovely insects and so yellow!
i like your flower sir
upvote and resteemed
Гарні фото і цікава інформація! Вони дійсно дуже швидкі, і якби не зависали, хтозна, чи ми б звертали на них увагу )) Чимось нагадує стрекозу
Did you try the app inaturalist ?