Yesterday the Supreme Court decided that public employees could no longer be forced to join unions or pay agency fees. Before in many states you would be forced to join a union and then those unions support democrats so it is a major power base for the democrats. There will still be unions but membership will be voluntary instead of compulsory forcing of all government employees to financially support leftist causes.
So Booooom !! You see how this Trump administrration is systematically and peacefully taking down this crimnal libtard left hidind the socital psycho killers that need to be put away for everyelses sagtey !! Trust in the Plan , i think we can )) nice info man !!
These people are all going to jail @funbobby51, the world as a whole now is done with this BS ! You will see that this year the 4th of July Fireworks will be the best ever seen in the History of America and Mankind ! )
Well yeah me too bro and im in Europe ))) I m telling you that something is big planned for tomorrow from the Qteam ! This will be the beginning for the dump of irrefutable evidence that they clearly have on every damed last one of these demons out there and I do mean internationally !!
what do you mean public union destroyed ??
Yesterday the Supreme Court decided that public employees could no longer be forced to join unions or pay agency fees. Before in many states you would be forced to join a union and then those unions support democrats so it is a major power base for the democrats. There will still be unions but membership will be voluntary instead of compulsory forcing of all government employees to financially support leftist causes.
So Booooom !! You see how this Trump administrration is systematically and peacefully taking down this crimnal libtard left hidind the socital psycho killers that need to be put away for everyelses sagtey !! Trust in the Plan , i think we can )) nice info man !!
another false flag today, don't underestimate these people.
These people are all going to jail @funbobby51, the world as a whole now is done with this BS ! You will see that this year the 4th of July Fireworks will be the best ever seen in the History of America and Mankind ! )
if Hillary gets locked up tomorrow I will personally drive to NH and get a huge box of fireworks and light them off.
Well yeah me too bro and im in Europe ))) I m telling you that something is big planned for tomorrow from the Qteam ! This will be the beginning for the dump of irrefutable evidence that they clearly have on every damed last one of these demons out there and I do mean internationally !!