The most important day in the life of someone

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

The last Friday 31th I had the pleasure to assist the wedding of one of my best college friends.


That day felt like a extreme liberation for all of us, because in first instance the wedding was planned for the late june, but the boy had to enter the hospital because they were inmersed in a urban fight (without pretending it!).

He had several fractures in his jaw, and he had probabilities of aftermath injuries. Fortunately didn't.

This made all of us to think seriously about our lives... and how things can change suddenly with the blink of a eye. Felt like a big injustice to suffer this kind of 'experience' 1-2 weeks before your own wedding.

If you're reading this, never forget to 'say sorry' early and to make your days count.
You can't really know how much time you have left. And you can regret a stupid mistake (all your life) just for pride.

Hope you all enjoyed your Sunday.


Espero que ho hagueu passat be! 😩 menos mal que la historia te un final feliç

Afortunadament si :)

la veritat es que va ser un dia molt emotiu, vam flipar quan vam enterarnos del que li havia passat només a dues setmanes vista del casament.

Feia temps que estava molt poc temps actiu per aquí, estic tractant de tornar a agafar el hàbit! :) Espero que tot bé.

Buena fotografía, gracias por Compartir!