Lighting is a very vital thing in photography, so you can better understand the various lighting techniques, please read the explanation of each technique below.

  • Daylight

Daylight and sunlight are not constant sources of light, because they change according to the clock and weather, season, location, and latitude. The color of sunlight changes most rapidly at the extreme end of the day at dawn and dusk. Strong color changes also occur during storms, fogs, and on winter days. The quality of sunlight depends on strength and direction. The strong direct sunlight produces a "hard" light as it produces a dark, clear shadow with a strong image of shape. Sunlight is the most difficult lighting on clear summer days during the day. The strong sunlight makes the stronger color more brilliant, but the pale color becomes weak.


  • frontlight

The type of lighting created when the cahya source is behind the photographer is called the front light. Lighting over your shoulders is probably your first photography lighting technique. This seems to be a universal recipe to produce good photography. However, the case against lighting on the shoulder that produces a flat effect, does not show details or give a deep impression. Therefore, to give the impression of shape, depth, and texture on the subject, ideally you should have light coming from the side or at least from the angle.

Teknik Pencahayaan (Lighting) Dalam Fotografi.jpg

  • sidelight

Side light is very important in black and white photography that relies on gray, not color, to capture the subject. Shadows caused by the illumination from the side reveal details that can make photos interesting from the mediocre. This applies to color photos as well. Color gives the appearance of additional information about the subject that can make up for the deficiencies when the photo with the front light. Images created with side light usually have a hard shadow and contrast. To lighten the shadows and reduce the contrast, you may want to use some kind of reflector or use the flash.

  • backlight

When the light source is in front of the photographer, coming directly to the camera, you have what is called a back light; that is, the subject is backlit. This type of lighting is very effective for someone's photo outdoors in bright sunlight. In bright sunlight, when subjects are illuminated from the front or side, they may be uncomfortable and squint. Back light helps to eliminate this problem. Back light may also require the use of a reflector or flash to brighten dark shadows and enhance the subject's details. Back light is also used to produce silhouette effect.

If you use a back light, avoid sunlight from falling directly onto the lens (except for special effects). A lens hood or some other way of shading the lens should be used to prevent lens flares.

  • Existing Light

Sometimes also called available light or natural light photography, is the creation of images with light that happen to be on the scene. These include light from tables, floors, ceiling lights, fluorescent lights, windows, candles, automatic mobile lights, and other types of light. With the existing light, photographers have the opportunity to create creative and dramatic images. Existing light allows freedom of movement for the photographer because additional lighting equipment is not required. Subject distance, when not using flash, does not affect exposure / exposure. For existing light photos, your camera should be equipped with a fast lens of at least f / 2.8, but preferably about f / 1.4. The camera shutter should have a B or T setting, and for exposures of over 1/60 sec, you need a tripod or something else to support the camera.


  • Outdoor Photos at Night

A good time to create colorful outdoor night photos is before it gets really dark. At this moment, some blue (or even orange) is in the sky. This deep color in dusk provides a dramatic background for your photos. Many buildings look rather ordinary during the day, but at night, they often look attractive. Try shooting hangars at night, with the lights on and the hangar open.


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