I don't think I have shown many images of me, taken by someone other than myself. I was digging throw my hard drive, and came across these, along with major nostalgia moments, and felt that I need to share.
These images were taken by my friend Jesse Hinkkuri, who has been the only person I've let take photographs of me multiple times. These were shot back in 2012, if I am not completely mistaken. We have done a couple cool shoots together, back in the days, but these will always be my favourite images.
I remember feeling so cool when we took these, and so proud that we made these images, with only using natural light in the attic of my apartment building. Not gonna lie, I still love these images.
I know I still have that hideous Michael Kors watch, bigger than my wrist, and the Jeffrey Campbell shoes somewhere, neither of which I never wear, but I'm not sure if I can throw them away, because they have been part of several shoots and represent a particular time in my life. The leather jacket I wear almost every day, best buy ever.

Would you be interested in seeing more of my old modelling works?
There is some really grinch worthy stuff somewhere...
Your modeling is more than an act
It pushes the envelope in fact
When black becomes white
It shines on the light
To work with amazing impact
Yaassss! More please 🙌🏽
Anything for you! 😘
So this is how you looked before your transformation into fragile old hag?😝
That is cool. Do show me more.
Yep, and there is more. I used to be really hot and fit!
you should look for the fountain of youth. Just a few sips could restore all your long lost beauty😉
Off to the nature I go -->
I would personally love to see some of your old modelling works! You take great pictures of yourself and I would love to see where it all began. (:
Oh lord if I can find my old self portraits 😱🙈😳
Grinch worthy xD Mikä mielikuva! Vaikka oothan sinä gremlin toki... :D
Mutta pistä tulemaan vaan kaikki mitä on jemmassa :P
Sä ootkin kyllä jo seurannu jo jonkin aikaa niin ehkä oot jotain niistä nähnykkin 🙈😅
En kaikkea tai tarpeeksi kuitenkaa!
Holy HOT!
I love the first 2 colour ones in the bottom group of 6. Dark and smokey... you look dangerous! (... and that's a GOOD thing, BTW.)
Admittedly, I do like dark and mystical. :O
I like your current stuff but the past, stored jems, would be interesting to see too! You have soooo many sides. You're never boring!
Thank you for taking the time to dig AND share.
Thank you, I do like to look dangerous, even though I'm a little pussycat! 😝I'll definitely do more digging and have a few stories to share with old pictures 😅
I remember those pics...and shoes:P
Should I dig out the laundry room photos next?
Maybe yes... ja jos et löydä niin kysy vaan multa missä ne on=D
Yes, I absolutely would love to see more of your older modeling shots. I like the black and white photos.
It’s very nice...
Gorgeous you!
Thank you! :)
yeah, sure, why not
Love the enthusiasm 😝😈
yeah,that would be nice.
@eveuncovered you are right, things which is related to our past can not thrown away easily.... we would love to see more your work... if possible some of photos with your only permitted photographer friend "Jesse Hinkkuri".
It's very nice