Sex Sells, But What are You Selling Baby?

in #photography8 years ago


A fantasy, an illusion, my privacy?

Thoughts about sexually vibed images and posting them online.

"Why do you do it?"
"It will ruin your future job hunting!"
"No man will ever want to marry you."

I’ve heard it all before, been doing this since I was about 16-years-old. Still haven't regret it, and I don't think I ever will, though I'm not married so there's that. I don’t remember how I started all this but posting pictures of myself, semi-nude, has always come very naturally to me. We are genetically driven by our sexuality and for being something so natural, the naked body still seems to be a taboo. I've heard my fair share of slut shaming, but I'm not too bothered by it. I know who I am and what I do. Staying at home all evening knitting wool socks sure sounds pretty slutty.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve been pretty critical about Steemit, but this platform has given me the amazing opportunity to monetize on my semi nakedness. Greatest thing about this is that I am in full control of everything, what I show, how I show it, when I show it. I would be posting these pictures to somewhere anyways, but here I can make a couple bucks from it, and the only censorship is the nsfw-tag.

"You only get upvotes because you take your clothes off."

In my opinion, taking your clothes off will only get your foot in the door, after that, you have to something else to offer too. If you check out who’s getting the biggest rewards on nsfw-tag, you can see that it’s pretty much dominated by pictures of @steemed-open and myself. So take notes ;) If I were to post vulgar and bad quality pictures of my pussy and write something with broken English, I don't think I could have gotten this far in my two months in here. I for one, enjoy looking at good pictures of beautiful women and for me it's more of an art form than anything pornographic. I won't be stopping this any time soon.





Not sure, If I may say so without offending you.. when I looked at your pictures in full view yesterday, I saw something wild and untamable in your eyes. Don't know if I'm expressing it right... a highly independent spirit. So, of course you think the way you do.

If the "advice" from these naysayers wasn't so pathetically sad, it would be funny. The three statements you list at the beginning can easily be replaced by

"Wow.. you are doing exactly what you want to do!"

"It will open you a bright beautiful future and someone who saw your (really exquisite and tasteful) pictures will offer you the job you always dreamed of"

"Every man will want to merry you... particularly when he hears about your artisan talents ;-)"

Anyways, its all peoples opinions and when you take a look at their lives... oh well!

The people who say "You only get upvotes because you take your clothes off." are the same who report an artwork on fb, because it shows a female (!) nipple, 0,3mm in size. At least here you have the nsfw tag and don't get your page suspended for two years.

And you are absolutely right about tasteful content, good quality and how exactly that is being appreciated. Looks like I found the two best pages already :-)

I'm a libra and its said, that aesthetics are most important for us. I love your pictures. The ones I have seen are exquisite , tastefully sensuous and elegant.

Looking forward to see you around :-)

It feels sooooo good to be noticed and appreciated, might have to tone down the compliments so it doesn't go to my head!

God it riles me up when uptight people report artwork! I can somehow understand someone reporting my nipples but when there is nudity in paintings and drawings and someone reports that, it is just insane.

You don't appear like the person that gets conceited from a simple compliment. You take it gracefully and respond to it with true and unpretentious kindness.

Getting reported on fb has been an annoying issue for me as well as few artists friends. One of them even ran a campaign to make fun of the absurdity of it all. But its really a waste of time to get all wound up about it. Lets focus our attention onto something worth it... I still have quite a few of your posts to look at :-)

And since you said, I may attach a picture, here is the one for tonight. Its one of the circles of hell from dante's divine comedy... hehe.. god thing I'm a decent sinner ;-)


I have the windows open and a bat just flew through the room. I know they are around, but I never had one come this close!

I just love your post no words

It's also because you have no real competition here. Let's be honest, posting cooking recipes or memes with body like this would be such a waste for the community.

You do it also for compliments, who wouldn't? Your fine body is even more tempting considering I won't ever meet you and I'm left with drooling over these HQ pictures. Unlucky me and lucky me.

@steemed-open and I are your biggest fans. I can't tell you how amazing it is to see a beautiful, strong, confident women who is completley comfortable in her own skin share her natural gifts with the world. There's incredible power in that (which is why many people fear it and seek to suppress it).

Aww you guys<3 I consider you my Steemit parents, whom I look up to and appreciate very much.

Please don't stop:)

I wanted to type exactly that and then I saw your comment :)

This is sexy; but As for myself i would much rather see the Pussy in All it's Vulgar GLORY !!! Not your Pussy in Particular.... just any Ole' Pussy ... YARRrrrrr!!

I don't have anything to sell, besides I'm Ugly! :/

I bet you have a ton of strengths!

you're too young to be getting married anyway ! you just keep knitting socks eve, that huntsman bloke will bag you in his trap one day when you're least expecting him to knock on the door (with 2 blood soaked rabbits in one hand and a pair of socks with holes in the other)

HAhaha, you clearly have no idea how old I am, but that is a good thing I guess! :D I'll be waiting for my huntsman!

when you're 34 and a bit, until then you can just knit socks and make cabbage rolls.

Great commentary @eveuncovered, I find way more refined than @steemed-open

Nice picture @eveuncovered I like this Im followed and upvoted

Have people really said no man will ever marry you?! I don't get that statement. Keep doing what you want to do... there will always be haters. Thank you for standing up for yourself and not letting others get you down.

Haha, yes more than once :D I don't mind the haters :)

Cool post!😀

Thank you <3

you have incredible ass :)

Very nice and you only show what nature has made beautiful.

I just wonder, if this article is because of my question I had :-D However, your respond was very valuable for me and after I read it I found a ton of other tips. Also the etiquette post of @thecryptofiend is amazingly written. So thanks for this.**

And you are definitley right. I see you more as an artist. Upvote!

I already had this idea but I posted this now because you reminded me about it :) So thanks!

I'm guilty of looking . I confess . I notice just about every NSFW post has 20 or 30 who have looked . That seems to be an untapped market . Ripe for harvest maybe ?

Ignore the haters, last photo is great!

I actually voted because of your writing mainly. It's good to have people like you here. And about the nsfw-tag, all posts are shown in the same feed. Feed that is browsed by people from all ages and places (some could be browsing from work) so I'd consider if the usage of word like censorship is correct here. Unless christmas presents are being censored when they are wrapped up? :)

That ass is a solid 10, I don't care about no composition and lighting .
Ok I do.. but that only makes it a 10+

Always aiming for the + !

I was supposed to start being your competition. I've been working out for a while and was going to do a photoshoot of myself in a mankini..

But my wife didn't let me.

So be thankful for your luck :'(

I understand your wife. We have some thirsty women in here, seeing some man candy in mankini would cause a riot!

I know. Some guys are complaining how women make easy money on Steemit only by showing off tits and ass, but they are just being pansies. They should show off a bit of their own tits and ass in a beautiful way and they'd make fortunes too!

Look at @jerrybanfield, he's already on that!

Thanks for the tip, it was nice to see brave and fearless men. He forgot the NSFW tag though :(

You are pretty and you are sharing what you have been granted. Thank you for sharing your privacy. These are also great pieces of art.

eveuncovered got some love from .

Being "sexy" on its own is as useful as a bonfire in the desert.

Its the combination of mind and body that makes things work.

I understand why artists surround themselves with other creatives. Dancers, poets, painters. The energy feeds off itself and inspires other things.

Sexy isn't a single star, burning in the darkness of space.

Its a galaxy of possibilities, rushing through our brains as we harness its energy. Some channel that in obvious ways, others use it for their own "fuel".

I say stoke the fire - let it burn bright and long, until we're too tired to speak.

I let my fire burn, throwing gasoline in it, and when it overflows, be careful not to stand too close to me. Like the king Midas, I might ruin something beautiful accidentally just by touching it.

Will you stand in front of me dressed in that last shot and let me bounce M&M's off your booty till I cause myself an eye injury? Pwetty Pwease........

I've been a photographer for a long time and have photographed 100s of women. There is nothing more beautiful than the female form. I wish you great success. Your images are very attractive and I love your experiments in B&W. Please keep it up and explore the technology, poses, and emotions that leave our jaws on the floor.

Humans have always made art from naked images, from the cave to Caravaggio, right up to steemit! As far as I know, this bizarre vilification of nudity is the product of Christianity and the sex obsession of the Abrahamic faiths.
Balls to all of them. I think you hit the nail on the head, in that the nudity is only part of it. The great quality of your art is that I feel, as a slightly pervy middle-aged man, that I'm getting to know you, that as I read your words I'm finding out about the inner you, while also getting a very good look at the outer, though still private you. It's a pretty unique experience from my perspective, and one I thank you wholeheartedly for.
Perhaps we should have an nsfw day, all of us post nudes, might stop the moaners moaning... Or at least, give them something else to whinge about!

One with eyes can see you pictures are in the category of artwork.Greetings @eveuncovered, don't let those uptight people get you down.

Be well...

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. :)

hi eve, what does that mean? Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

It's fake latin from a book called The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, and it means "Don't let the bastards grind you down"

"Good One Eve!"

I never let anyone grind me down ;) . . .
don't worry, be

Are you and your husband coming to Anarchapulco 2018?

I do a Steemian-of-the-day posting.

Do you happen to have any nominations and reasons why they are being nominated?
thanks, be well...

What is this husband you are talking about?

Did I assume wrong?
thought you were married
sorry my mistake.

U look amazing!! If I had your body and your photography skills than I would do the same. The haters are just jealous. Also, you are fabulous at catchy writing in your posts, it draws the reader in !!!.. I have read some in the past ( its the kind of blog u want to read with a cup of tea in hand hehe) and Both you and @steemed-open share in the fact that your nudity looks classy rather than what the haters define as ''slutty'' . U both make me look at the female form and think u know what.. women's figuration is HELLA sexy. u are HOT!! x

Thank you for the very nice comment, made my day! :) I definitely need to improve my writing but I'm very glad to hear that you like it :) Have a great day!

I am glad it made your day when I saw that you wrote you were getting some of that negative attention- I wanted to comment!.. Sometimes I have looked at your posts but not voted as my voting power is PANTS ( i will return when its much better!)- but it was always admiration for your art. Because it is an art, your body is like canvas , and how you work that camera is like painter!
Have a great day.. keep going! Fabulous!

Well said! You don't deserve any slut shaming, do what you love to do :) You have more to offer than just your photos, you have skill in writing as well

I'm glad to hear you enjoy my writing too, even though it's definitely not my niche.

That's not true. I would marry you!

"You only get upvotes because you take your clothes off."
"You get upvotes, because the human body and the expression of, is the classic definition of beauty."

Note: neither is gender specific, but only one is positive without ego or jealous wrapped.

I'll just say that if I had a body half as nice as yours, I'd be posting photos like this as well. You're stunning and the photos are gorgeous from an artistic level in addition to you just being really beautiful.

I agree with everything you've said here and find it exhausting when people feel the need to bitch about other people's choices.

Stop the sex trade in social media thanks

Sell ​​sex how much your sex price. Many are willing to buy. thank you