Reality Check: Before and After Photoshop - Sunsets and Sunrises

in #photography7 years ago

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Crisp winter morning on the lake.

Quite often I get asked how much my pictures are Photoshopped and how do I do it, and I've been promising a long time to show you exactly what I do. This first set of before and afters is only about sunsets and sunrises, but I'm thinking of showing some other nature/landscape pictures too and you probably want to see the self portrait works too, to see what I look like under all that Photoshopping.

I though it would be best to show you the exact changes on some of the pictures in Camera Raw, where I can easily show you the side by side comparison. This is where I do basically all the changes and when I open the picture in Photoshop, I usually just straighten the image if needed and resize it. Sometimes there is a smudge on the lens or some little thing I take out with the healing tool.

My philosophy with taking photographs and post processing them is that I want the picture to come out as good as possible straight from the camera, and then just do some little tweaks and adjustments in Camera Raw. I don't think beautiful nature in a gorgeous light needs any changes, just some enhancements that the camera couldn't catch but you could see if you were present.

Usually the main focus is bringing in detail from the lightest and darkest parts of the photo, and bumping up saturation and vibrance.

Under every picture is a link to the original post where you can see a bigger version of the picture and all the other pictures from the set.

And by the way, all these were shot with the Nikon D7200, during this early year of 2018.

Disclaimer: I'm not a pro and I'll never tell you what you should do and how to do it, just showing what I personally like to do for my pictures.

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Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time.

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A rare city view from me when we saw the light for the first time in over a month.

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Clouds gave way to a little light and colours after the sun set.

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I'm only a couple days old, go see my friends.

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Perhaps my favourite sunset of the year, you need to see this bigger.

Previously on my Reality Check -series:

The Most Naked I Have Ever Been

Behind the Self Portraits

Everyday Eve

I’m a Gremlin

Outfit of the Day, Every Day


Photoshop has it's own importance in the photo editing. You can use photo shop in animations and in graphic designing.

Yes, that's true. Photoshop now a days plays very important role when it comes about showing beautiful pictures.
I didn't believe that until I saw photographers in a competition using photoshop and I was like are you serious haha

In my opinion, photographs should mimic as close to reality as possible. Don't like altering nature pictures to become more beautiful and so on.

Its an absolute necessity when shooting raw on a dslr. The shots simply aren't meant to be used straight out of camera. Some people have a real bee in their bonnect about post processing but its usually people who don't understand what it is. They just associate it with overly processed images and airbrushed fashion models. Its far more than that. Its also been around in dark room form as long as photography has.

The pictures is even clear before tweaking it. There is no much difference between before and after side of the picture. The lens of the camera is superb.

I'm a little proud of myself that I can achieve these without much extra work :) There is different lenses I used but they are all Nikkors and with a Nikon D7200 they produce pretty nice colours :)

Busted 🙈 haha no seriously it can come in handy for adding a little bit more to the already beautifull photo.
Mostly I use it to make the lighting a little better or Black and white. But not out of proportion though,
It has to stay realistic. ✌️

I agree with you, Photoshop beautify pictures more.

It's nice that you are transparent, and to be fairly honest they're not heavily photoshopped either. The thing with photoshop is that people tend to overdo things but that doesn't seem to be the case with your photo's.

I like to keep things believable, at least to some point. I don't like pictures that are so heavily photoshopped that there is basically nothing left of the original.

Thanks for sharing this interesting information
Upvote and resteem

Very interesting. I’ve never really photoshopped stuff myself....but i’m pretty impressed with google’s ‘AI’ that it uses to create random stylised images automagically 😄

We should be really scared about the advances in AI....

Ps. Is your head still hurting?

Ok, circa about 3 years ago, when I unwrapped my shiny new MacBook Pro.....maybe i’d have thought it was the ‘tiniest bit sexy’ (for IT equipment) 😜

Was interesting to see both sides of how you capture reality! Have one of my finest limited edition upvotes! 🙌


Ooooh yes, I feel precious, thank you! ☺️

wow.. yes, photoshop can do wonders :)

Especially after discovering shooting in RAW 😝

yes, RAW is more important for editing and even usage rights purposes :P

Amazing photography

I see you're getting the hang out of it already!

Lol, this is not Lightroom! This is what I always do😅

I think I overlooked it since I'm using Camera RAW too much. lol! Saw the sliders and linked it to your Lightroom try-out. It's basically the same though. Stick with RAW, fuck Lightroom.

The original photos are amazing!! And the final product even better!

Oh.. I finally realized why I never satisfied with my sunset photos. Thanks a lot for sharing before & after photos. They helped me!

I always like to see a bit of Photoshop because I myself enjoy tweaking the settings and trying to make pictures look even better if it's possible :)

I couldn't go without photoshop anymore, it's so easy to add a little OOMPH and WOW factor to the pictures :)

Amazing job!! I finally got myself a nice lil camera to start, hopefully I can work myself up to your level. Your page and photography is truly inspiring. I love how steemit has ignited this creative fire in me. I want to learn everything haha so, thank you for sharing.

Have fun with your new camera! It's always exciting getting a new (and better) camera and start seeing the results :)

Thank you, it's nice to hear that I can inspire someone :)

Great pictures! And indeed photoshop is really usefull and now a days we can't live without it. It gives your picures just a little bit of extra, really love it!

When I glance at it, there is no difference, but when I see it again it turns out there is a change, really amazing skill @eveuncovered
Photoshop is one of most important software for many photographers, it's one of the best software i ever seen.

Thank you for the insight into your post production. Truth be told you do a great job with composition and the foundational elements that make your images a joy to look at.

Really interesting post. As an occasional photographer only, i have found this good food for thought, thank you @eveuncovered!

nice work with saturations and curve! but one two of them seemed over done after being photoshopped they were nicer in their raw state but most of them are excellent! kudos!

I does a great picture Even better. And a camera will never catch the moment 100% as you see or feel the motive so i feel PS is the photgraphers Choice to use if he ør she feels that it is necessary to give the viewers the right image.

I will be folllwing you! :)

True to your words nature is beautiful as it is and your photos are amazing. What we see in the nature, to show that in a Photograph, a bit wee of editing is necessary.

Excellent post! Visit my post and see what you think about this great tourist place that I shared. If you liked it, vote! regards

Super cool post!

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useful information about editing photoshop, i am one who likes to edit

fantastique pictures , they have a big absoption for eyes, you have a hight professional talent

With photoshop photographer can change and improve the dynamic range of the photo and change the exposure value, yeah especially if photo taken by RAW. remove shadow and improve the highlight. in this era we can do almost anything with photoshop or other software to manipulate the photo.

But for me I believe the core value of the photo is in photographer, how he manage to take the picture and what effort he must do. the real essence of photography is to capture the light in the shadow and present it to people to show them what photographer looks in the frame...

nice post bro....

beautiful pics both original/ edited!

Good Job :)

Thank you for these Before and After compilation !

Amazing work, I really like crisp winter morning on the lake @eveuncovered

Nature does not have organs of speech, but creates languages and hearts through that talks and feels.I like your post.I wish to you success in the new undertaking.

you are a master at photoshop @eveuncovered
this retouching of photographs touched my heart too

Great to see you're getting these so good out of camera...Lightroom could do this too....just saying :P

There is no point in opening up such a heavy program like Lightroom, when I only need to do little adjustments. I'm gonna use Lightroom for the selfie stuff, need to do much more for those😅

Really? I find PS WAY more intensive, my poor laptop can't really handle it, so adjustments take a second whereas lightroom it's instant so I can see what I'm doing better. You're right though, I guess Lightroom is really designed for batch editing, if you're perfecting a single image then PS is great, but Lightroom is fantastic for uploading a whole card/shoot as well as keeping things organised and at your fingertips. I head to lightroom on my laptop most days and scroll through the dates/folders to see what I'm going to use that day. If I'm being super organised I'll go through a shoot and tag the images I think are keepers then either edit them all in the Develop section or leave them to edit as and when I want to use them. Tbf if you have a good routine there's no point changing! Everyone I know uses an online studio management program but we still prefer the old school approach - Outlook Express and printed booking forms!

What, that is so weird. This Camera Raw is so simple and it has no extra fluff that would make the program slow. Of course if I need to do more than just adjust the things you see here, then Lightroom will probably be my go to. I do find it a little too extra for simple things, and there is so much stuff on the screen! I have to keep pushing back all those things from left, right, up and down the screen to really get a good look at just the image and not all that stuff.

Actually that is a really good point, my laptops 14 inches and not ideal, we tend to use at least 29inch monitors for our real work and we both have two screens so it’s quite a bit of tool panel real estate!

nice! you're now working like an expert of the said field :)

I do better. @titanik

I flag better.

WOW! You are pretty awesome with your flag powers! Glad to see you use it wisely!

Someone, insert the Burned apply cold water... :))