Moonlit and Starlight

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Aka what I learned the first time trying to photograph the scenery in moonlight and starry sky. This was once again one of those spur of the moment photoshoots, like most things I do are. We were watching La La Land and I got bored and took one glance out the kitchen window and saw a clear sky with a really bright moon, I had no choice, the fairy made me do it.

  1. Preparation is key

  2. Have a full battery

  3. Put on more clothes! (It was -20 degrees Celsius...)

  4. Turn off the streetlamp in the yard....

  5. Get a better remote (one that works in sub zero temps) or figure out how to use the self timer to eliminate camera shake

  6. Start using a lens hood to prevent lens flairs

  7. Focusing is REALLY HARD when it's dark, figure out how to get it right


Shot with Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G.


Does anyone have more tips for shooting a moonlit scene?


A great initiative from you
I love the pictures .. well done
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

photos from a fairy tale! I like!

There is nothing beautiful than nature

Nice Pictures. A Sony A7r II or III would have been helpful.
Reminds me a little of my pictures :D




OMG get the fuck out of here, those pictures are amazing! xD

Thank you very much :D
Do you have flickr?
It would be an honor to welcome you in my Group.

Wow..... Beautiful all the same.... Thumbs up guys @eveuncovered @steemit.vlog

Thank you very much @zona-strins


Respect the content of others!

This comment looks to me like spam! No reference to previous comments. Neither an upvote or otherwise an appreciation! Ever heard of giving and taking! Sorry but that makes me really angry! This is not how steemit works. Either adjust or cash in the flag. So you will be on Karma 0 very soon if you do that to others! Only as a hint. Cheers

I've followed your blog on here since you started it and even though I don't often comment, I do still check it out.

Your photography is really improved since last summer. I guess the income from the posts allows you the time required to really work on it. The shots are dark and brooding. Beautiful in a melancolic way.

Oh hi there, is nice to hear something from a loyal follower :)

Thank you very much, I'm glad it shows that I really try and put more effort in my photography now that I have the time to do so :)

Is this shot with manual or auto mode on your camera? meaning did you adjust the aperture and what kind of lens/camera are you using?

I always shoot on manual mode :) and I see I forgot to add camera details! I used the Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G.

Tip No1 - Get Eve in front of the camera!!!

OH BooHooo! ;DD

Haha hey I call it as I see it. Thats a tip that improves every shot as far as I can see.


Wow.... amazing this photography..... i appreciate this nature.....personally i like winter time, best of luck dear friend...

Beautiful! Especially the last one. My favorite.

Seeing your pictures makes me think: do you see northern lights from your home? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am not so well informed about it.

It's not a stupid question! Sometimes we get lucky enough to see them, but they are quite rare in this latitude :(

Would you make me a favor and if you see one of these and have your camera close, take a picture of it? One day in this live I promised myself that I will see them :D

Or course!

Thank you so much, Eve! By the way, is this your real name?

Yes it is :)

I didn't thought that is a Finnish name too, I wonder how you pronounce it :D

Who doesn't like the Aurora borealis show,me too buddy may be the little enthusiast of day we will watch it in Finland's glass igloo.yay😊

I looked into staying at a glass igloo too but those set you back something like 500 euros per night!

Well that's Indian term to mom.still confident 😀 my steem journey can make it happen😚
"Be optimistic destiny is yours"

Good luck to us all!

Nice shot of Orion there... did you need to enhance the photo with editor or did Orion actually show up without tinkering?

I did tinker a little but it was already clearly visible :)

Use an iPhone jk 😂🤣😂🤣

Well I can't go better than this
Some more

A tip would be "a glass of red wine" :) This view and mood deserves and also it will make you feel warm but comparing with -20 C this function may not work :))

It might take the whole bottle :D

You are right :D even maybe two bottle :D

Beautiful! Especially the last one. amazing this photography.

Very nice photos i am not into shooting but i know that this post is amazing

I love those clear views without any lightpollution. It reminds me at my hometown, but since I moved to the city I sadly rarely see this kind of beauty!
Damn, you life at a beautiful place!

I live in the city too, but I like to escape as often as I can to my true home surrounded by the nature.

Great lovely post so cute post

wow spectacular moonlight

Very nice 😊

Permission right I said to the friends steemit.

"Please help follow my account" **

Follow you very I expected.

On the attention of his I say thank you.


Amazing! I love this post.

These are beautiful shots. I know I've heard a calling a few times, begging me to photograph a beautifully lit night sky... but I quickly discovered that I do NOT have the proper equipment to make it successful. I can't remember off the top of my head which one, but I know it takes some special lenses (as well as a tripod, which I don't have lol) to be able to focus properly.

probably #5 but I really like that first picture, that would make a great Christmas card

These clicks are amazingly taken. They have a sense of depth, its like I'm just there already. It was worth viewing.The last one deserves my heart <3. Thanks for sharing.

Heres a tip..always have the camera ready because that perfect moment can pass by in an instant and it sucks when you miss it...

Rule number 1, be in a relationship with the camera and care much about it activities.

But I have commitment issues!

Meaning you would have to create time for what you care about irrespective of the committed issues without altering any of them

For a moment there i actually thought i was seeing the sun... but then i realized it was the moon xD Great photo eve :)

What a beautiful view man! Great photography

What an incredible photo. That's what I call having talent.

Found your post was trending while flipping through, and took a peak at some of your older content. Honestly, great work. I’m no photographer by any means, but I appreciate good scenes. Followed for sure!

Use very high ISOs to judge exposure at night it is a very useful technique. It certainly is not going to give you the final shots you’re after, but it allows you to figure out some base camera settings very quickly that let you see the brightness levels of your scene.

In this moment, a base exposure of 1 second at f/2.8 with the ISO6400 gives a shot that exposes the scene.

Great pics Eve. Nice to see Orion the right way up, down this side of the world he is upside down haha

That's funny :D

Wow @eveuncovered I'm so in love with your photography..... It's quite creative.... Thanks for sharing!

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I really liked the first photo ..... excellent !!

Very nice photos.)

I wonder what your ISO setting was to capture Orion.

I always liked that constellation, only because it is easy for me to pick out the pattern in the sky.

At first I thought you were shooting during daytime, but I guess it makes sense that the moon is reflecting sunlight it would look that way.

Seemed almost supernatural, with the rays streaming out and the disc not the proper size compared to the sun. Good photos truly go to those who are willing to seize the moment.

Thank you for sharing these.

I’ll try to remember to check what ISO I used for you tomorrow, but it wasn’t anything super high like 6000, I played more with using a slow shutter.

I too was very delighted as I saw Orion instantly as I gazed up to the sky :)

GREAT tips!!! I havent tried much moonlit photography yet, but your post encouraged me to do so! Thanks for posting =)

I always liked cold winter shots, good work!

Last week I tried to do some night shooting for the first time. I didn't turn out great, but I'm eager to give it another try. There is so beauty in the night that few people get to appreciate.

i love this photo. I remember my first photo. I love the sunshine DSCN1779.JPG

Very nice photography!!
Visit my blog for candle light smartphonephotography

This is so beautiful.... Nice shots