
Wow, that is gorgeous!

Thank you! :)

I will carry a gun, you never know.

"Is that the gun or are just happy to see me?"


Stop yelling, you'll scare the pixie away!

I am fast as fuck no worries...

That's what she said

So beautiful... Perfect timing -"2;

Had to wait in the bushes for a long time for this sight!

I never used to give a shit what the weather was in Finland, now I am glad when it's warm there ;)

You can imagine that I’m pretty glad about that too! :)

These are very remarkable. Your photos are very clear.
I really like the photos with the green scenery. Because the color of green can make our eyes so healthy.
Have a good day @eveuncovered.

Nakupelle lens flareineen <3

Pitää olla vähä magicallyy välillä 😛

Okay, watch out! I'm coming with a butterfly net. A very large butterfly net.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

The pixie wasn’t that large, and she is very fast and devious!

I love being in the woods and i see this is one of your favorite places as well.
Very good photos, love the lighting and the greens!

Yeah I love beeing in the woods! Somehow I always end up to the nature, or isolated places, where ever I go :)

Where is the location at? Awesome clicks bdw

Somewhere in the forests of central Finland :)

Nicest pixie I've ever seen. Good photo work, colors are great