Two tiny islands, rocks actually, connected with a natural bridge.
You can find this beautiful scene at the La Gaiola west of Naples, Italy.
Islands are a part of a protected area, a nature park Marine Protected Area “Gaiola Underwater Park”.
Apart from this natural wonder, you can admire sea life and submerged remnants of the buildings from Greco Roman times.
This is the entry to the 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - European Thursday week #6 by @czechglobalhosts.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thats amazing!!
Also like the perfect place to run away to when you wish to just switch off.
It is. With an added bonus that the only way down here by land leads over more than one hundred stairs :)
That makes it so much more awesome! Like it requires effort by people to view it.
Are they trying to preserve it? Or will the allow it to decay naturally?
They are trying very much. The access to the area is limited to 100 persons at one time. You can't bring any food in into the Zone A region as they call it. So, they are trying their best to preserve it.
Woow.... Amazing place👏👏
looks good :)