What a great shot, again! I really enjoyed your article which taught me a part of history I wasn't aware of yet. Thanks a lot for the education.
As soon as I read the title of your article, I simply had to click on it, as I did climb in there myself, many years ago. This remains one of the most beautiful area I have ever climbed in.
Namaste :)
Thanks Eric, good to hear from you. I love Red Rock, what an awesome place... and even the ski area on Mt Charleston... also really nice. Thanks for your continued interest and support and Namaste :)
No one has to twist my arm to follow your work, it is consistently excellent, on top of being of great interest to me.
Namaste :)
Hey @eric-boucher , if you want to see ancient art please see in blog post
Do upvote and appreciate if you like it
Thanks @eric-boucher for your great Comment I also appreciate your comments 👍👀