Hi @prydefoltz
Gee, 13 is a tricky age isn't it, Happy Birthday to W! It sounds like it was a great celebration and I'm totally down with the idea of carnivore cake!
I love the sorting hat, knowing me, I'd probably also end up in Slytherin. I always liked Prof Snape, he was my favourite apart from Hagrid of course. Your fireworks pics are great, I've tried taking photos of them before and I failed horribly, I didn't know my camera well enough yet.
Your spoken word is beautiful, I will listen to the whole excerpt tonight after all of the shenanigans of the day are done, you have a beautiful voice.
Hi Emma,
I hear you on the fireworks. Same camera and multiple years resulted in nothing but blurs and flares. I just use an old Iphone and it generally poops out at night. I have no idea why these photos turned out. AI ... lol:)
Appreciate the listen later:)