Abandoned Adventure

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

One of my favorite things is finding old abandoned things and places , Im all about keeping everything intact ( I just want photos) . This mini album is all from the same building . It was about 30 minutes until sundown so we didnt get a lot of time at this location because nobody wants to get trapped in an abandoned mill at night ! But I hope you enjoy a few of the shots I got!
Camera Used : Sony A6000 Lens: 16-50mm 3.5-5.6
We made it in ! This is the main room when we entered . Urban jungle at its finest.ABANDONED 1.jpgFound some stairs to make it around , it is the only way up so naturally it had to be explored .
This door had seen better days , I saw it as a portal :)
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I walked through the door and I came to a large open room with just this red painted elevator. It looked very grim and the sun was going down a little quicker now . But there was still so much to see !Abandoned photos 6.jpg
Ah! A sign! Spray painted right in front of me , the sign to keep going .

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Trying to find the way out was a little harder as the sun faded but we got to the stairwell again! or this one is a little different then the last one! Is that a painting of a man running from a monster ! ..
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The last bit of info the building had to give me . My reply : Yes we will , and please remember to smile when the flash is on.


Really cool photos. I have been wanting to go shoot some graffiti lately. We can go and shoot some together if you are down.

You know we have got to shoot together one of these times :)

I love things like this :) exploring... ah yeah

Thanks @b0y2k , I wish there were more places like this closer to me and a little less consequences .

I wish there were more close to me also.. they keep shutting them down here :(

reminds me of some bad areas in New York... urban jungle for sure.

One day id like to see New York . for now im stuck in the midwest .

WOW! You're so lucky to live near such a cool abandoned place!! I went to a villa that has all the furniture in its place, but it was nothing like this!!

They keep knocking them down and I'll tell ya the trespassing fines are huge but .. worth it in some eyes 👀:)

You have trespassing fines? As far as I know here they'll call the police at most who will treat you like a thief (I'm from Italy), but that's about it...

Oh yes trespassing fines can be anywhere from 200-10000 dollars depending on what you got into :p

Wow! Last time I was in an abandoned house in Italy the grandson of the woman who owned the place (it's still his family's) came there and didn't complain at all, even if we were lighting dozens of candles and it looked like a Satanic mass :D

This could be made into series, great work!

Thank you @buzzbeergeek . My life in a series would be pretty cool . However the writing portion is the hard one , that's why I take pictures :)