This post is just that. Captioned stock pictures of people taking pictures. Best done while listening to Jack Johnson's Pictures of People Taking Pictures pictures.
The Sharpshooter
To the man who takes his time to get a perfect headshot - even at point-blank range.
The Killshot
Because taking good pictures is not as cool as looking cool while taking slanted pictures. Watch out when you see the Killshot. They're probably not your friend, and will probably get your worst angle.
The Sly
He might look like he's just leaning on a wall not doing anything - but he's really documenting every moment, trying to catch a nip slip to jerk off to later.
The Idiot
Yeah, that guy just drove 6 hours to the coastline to take pictures looking toward the mainland. He also got in the way of some sweet seascapes.
The Unmanned Pilot
Hey look, you're neighbor just got one of those cool drones! Maybe he's taking sweet videos of the neighborhood to make a music video. Wait, why is he hovering so close to my bathroom window?
The Lens Face
Because they reeeeally wanted a photographic memory - so they surgically replaced they're face with a camera.
The Wedding Photographer
Here's to the wedding photographer that doesn't conform to dress codes. Because who wants to be wearing formal attire on a beach?
Thanks to for the endless supply of cliche pictures.#antijoke