A photographer named panda create amazing photography by mixing two object became one
this is his amazing creation
Marilyn's Dress Is The Entrance To The Neon Museum Of Las Vegas
Waking Up Before The Sun At Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Caesar Taking A Selfie, Caesar's Palace
A Round Of Golf In Singapore
Do You Even Lift? New York New York Resort, Las Vegas
Hanging Around In Manhattan
Playing Tennins At Bliss Dance, Las Vegas
Whale Watching At Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas
Destroying NYC
Casually Riding At Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park
London Eye
Southbank Fountain
Azure Window
Very amazing and inspiring
The photographer's name is Rich McCor (aka paperboyo), not "panda." Perhaps you are confused because you found his photos on a website called boredpanda.com.
@dryandry if you had at least edited in the actual author, it might have been a little ok, but since you haven't, I've downvoted.
why do people even do that...
To try and make a quick buck off someone else's work.
Downvoting for continued plagiarism on this account. If you're going to steal from sites like http://www.boredpanda.com/transforming-landmarks-using-paper-cut-outs-paperboyo/ and even get the photographer's name wrong, you will not be welcomed here. Please, stop.
Very imaginative... please, do not take a photo to the Pissa Tower, keep like this ones
@dryandry did not take these photos. Just copied and pasted.
Thank you for the info. My vote goes off then.
Awesome idea :)
Thank you for quality content :D
Upvoted, keep calm and do more :)
thank's for the vote man :)
Nice pictures and panda name!
Thank's man
Great imagination! Thanks for sharing.
Just copied and pasted. Not @dryandry's photos.
Really cool! Upvoted
Thank's for the vote :)
Hello too @marius19
I was wanting to comment about my favorite one, but I just like them all and can't pick just one... Thanks for sharing
Funny idea!Very creative! :)
Great Idea!
Sory guys i didn't know who made this photograph
im apologize for doing thatjust like @corinnestokes said i copied and paste here