Colors the Likes of Which Cannot Be Captured

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This was such a sight to behold in person I just had to grab the camera and try to freeze it forever.

The orange emblazoned sky against the gray cast. The building shadows of the day's dying light turning a light chill in the breeze. The nearby ocean and shore looking cold against the Sun's last mighty gasp of the day. A lone distant sail traversing the space between the waning day and the waxing night. Surf sounds churning against the rocky Earth as the light receded to make their presence known only by their echoes. A splendor of mystery once the moon dappled their bodies with glistening cool.

Our technology, mighty it may be, simply can't match the marvel of nature's beauty. Best we can do is emulate it to the point of emoting the presence felt. This photo was edited not to be accurate in it's rendering of the true colors, an impossibility at present. It's toned to emphasize the contrasting warm and cool that the scene presented in real life. Shot with a Canon 30D and 70-300mm F/5.6 lens.

Let me know in the comments if you've had success capturing the emotion of a sunset in your own photos. Share them please.


Nice shot! You've got a good rule of thirds going on there.. And..
In response to what you said at the end.
I think I get what you mean, but.. I'm not sure you can "capture the emotion" of nature.. It's more that people find and create that emotion within themselves when they look at nature, but I'm guessing you kinda mean the same thing with different words.

Since you requested a share.. Lemme find a picture of one of my sunsets which I feel brings out some emotion in me.

I'm not sure which emotions it brings out in me.. But.. It makes me feel something. :) Maybe something kinda spiritual cause of how the light streams and wispy clouds feel..

Thanks! I'm glad you noticed the composition. I have about a dozen shots of that particular sunset and that was the one that to my eye had the best positioned horizon line. Not that I adhere to rule of thirds all the time, think of it as more "suggestion of thirds" if you will.
Take your very beautiful photo. The horizon line is perhaps lower than traditionally taught in school but you saved a lot of dead space by putting it lower than normal. Nicely composed and really interesting clouds. It almost looks like you have "god rays" streaming upward but that was just the cloud formation right? Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome. In regards to rule of thirds, I agree. Though I generally try to do more rules so to speak.. I try to do more than just 3.. I try to do as many different bands of interesting subject matter than I an. :)
So like rules of 6 or 7 or however many. ._.

"Take your very beautiful photo. The horizon line is perhaps lower than traditionally taught in school but you saved a lot of dead space by putting it lower than normal. Nicely composed and really interesting clouds. It almost looks like you have "god rays" streaming upward but that was just the cloud formation right? Thanks for sharing."

Yeah.. I prolly coulda been a little lower to balance it more, though I think I was focusing in on the cloud rays and didn't wanna lose that for the black bottom. Thanks for the thoughtful words and yeah.. I think it was just clouds and light rays bouncing off it. God rays is a good description, heh..

I dont know about thirds, quarters can be nice too in this sort of photo as it is the sky which feels so heavy give it the space. the land becomes a reference only !! Behold the power of the Universe above our heads !!

Beautiful shot it provokes a lot of warm feeling. I took this photo with a disposable camera during my travels in Nicaragua. I really love the character of disposable photos and think this shot is a prime example of when its character works best. Enjoy @allgoodthing

Thank you. It's interesting how in some people it provokes the feeling of warmth. Maybe it's because I was there that to me it signifies that moment when there begins a chill in the air. Everything in the foreground is cold and the Sun appears to be escaping, mocking the viewer that it's rays aren't going to provide warmth for long :)
It was July, a warm Summer day. Even so off the shore it became apparent everybody on the barge would need a jacket for the remainder of the evening.
Nice snap above. The colors have a lot of variety. I haven't used a disposable camera since I was a kid. Remember they were quite fun especially the water proof variety. Did the one you use have a plastic lens? The flare coming from the Sun is telling that the lens was a simple element which gives it a one-of-a-kind look. Come to think of it disposables have a prime lens which is a single element I believe. They must let in a lot of light. I.E. a very fast lens. Something to think about.

Wow that sounds like a wonderful evening. I believe it did have a plastic lense. It's not always easy to fully express in words obviously... I meant warm in the sense of just feeling good or comforted by that magically powerful orangey red. Cheers!

It was a wonderful evening. It was the 4th of July celebrating Independence Day. This sunset was shot standing on the barge of a 300+ mortar fireworks display for the community on shore. Here's something from earlier in the day

Very unique!

very nice shot !! great !! upvoted !

Our technology, mighty it may be, simply can't match the marvel of nature's beauty. Best we can do is emulate it to the point of emoting the presence felt. wow love this bit !! so true , indeed how i felt when i did the very same a few days ago !!
lovely photo indeed, lovely place too. Where was it again ?
The sea and its rolling waters are forever a " merveille qui fait rever l,homme ! " the sea is a marvel that will always make men dream !! here is my moment hope you like it as much as i like yours !! following now @dgiors

Irvine Cove, CA. I checked out your shot and it's wonderful. I like the vast expanse of cloud dotted blue sky above the sunset. By any chance did you take any close ups of that sunset?

I think that over the last couple of weeks I have not seen a more beautiful picture than yours.
That's very beautiful!

Over the last couple of weeks I have not read a compliment more touching than the one you left here. I'm so moved. Thank you!

Very good photography and excellent reports. So it dawns here in Corrientes Argentina

Just as I hoped we're seeing input from around the World here. I appreciate the effort of taking a shot specifically to send our way. The water looks so calm.

Thats quite a sunset! Awesome, where was it taken?!

Irvine Cove, CA off the shore about 1/4 mile.

This shot is just visual poetry, there aren't words to explain that beauty.

Thank you for your poetic compliment.