Beauty and Benefits of Flowers Asoka (Bungong Jarom)

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This interest in my photo page very beautiful house in the yard lumanyan many assorted home but for this article share a little about flowers Ashoka, Ashoka interest in because it has many benefits as well in addition to the beauty of the house can also be for good health, including.

  1. Able to cope with women who come late for irregular menstruation due to a lot of thought or stress, due to interest asoka that work to relieve part of the uterus muscles so for women who menstruate will be the norm.
  2. Interest asoka also for bruises to boil enough pemakainnya asoka flowers, leaves and roses god but must be dried so arinya reduced.
  3. Pour asoka interest which can prevent hemorrhoids, how to grind enough roots to become smooth and then filtered so that no powder, please drink in moderation.

Now that some of the flowers keguaan about asoka may be useful for all of us, but to open it only benefits I have described only a mere 3 alone, but there are a few more for benefits.


Bright paint colors of flowers especially pleasing to the eye in the winter time! Excellent post!

Thanks for the comments @f1111111