My Village, Selalu Ku Rindukan

in #photography7 years ago


My village where I was born, your atmosphere is still very pleasant, the scenery is still cool and healthy, the environment and the people are still very friendly and caring, the pollution and noise is not a worrying problem, the silence, the silence and the chirping of nature become the antidote, the vast expanse of rice fields becomes the place of scavenge blessing, my village I always miss you.


Gampong tempat ku dilahirkan, suasana mu masih sangat menyenangkan, pemandangannya masih menyejukan dan menyehatkan, lingkungan dan masyarakatnya masih sangat bersahabat dan saling memperdulikan, polusi dan kebisingan bukan masalah yang mengkhawatirkan, kesunyian, keheningan dan kicauan alam menjadi penawarnya, hamparan sawah yang luas menjadi tempat mengais keberkahan, kampung ku engkau selalu ku rindukan.