Book Street Underground - R79
Eslite is literally one of the best well-known brands of Taiwan in the creative or culture industry. At first, it was just a bookstore in Taiepi with very advanced concept at its time and later it gradually evolved to be the leading bookstore chain in Taiwan and even to be one of the best things Taiwan has ever spawned and contributed to this wonderful world of ours. If we are to select one brand to represent Taiwan's soft power, Eslite is very likely to be chosen. It is a pity though that its founding father, Mr. Wu, passed away just two months ago. I'd like to dedicate this post to Mr. Wu to honor his incommensurable contribution to the enrichment of our spiritual life in Taiwan, in greater Chinese regions, in Asia and in the world.
Today I am gonna show you the R79 - a underground book street adjacent to Taipei Main Station, designed and operated by Eslite, that just opened a while ago. This place allegedly is the last work of Mr. Wu. I had goosebumps when I visited there two weeks ago. It was so exquisite, graceful, serene, yet fashionable and vibrant. Love it. Let me give you a virtual tour.
Eslite Book Store
Eslite book store is always part of Eslite's mall, department store or, in this case, book street. Book store is where Eslite establishes herself so it is always the core of all its businesses. They don't profit from books. Books help create a magical aura for this space and you can sell a lot of stuffs when people are in such kind of good moods.
Eslite as a Platform
Yeah, create the platform, or the right tone for the space and then bring in lots of good stores. Now everything sells... :)
Photo Exhibition of Local Settlement
I love this part the most! I love when business knows how to respect local residents, traditional memory of space and etc. At least you should show that you respect it. They did. They have a photo exhibition on the local settlement of Chun-Shan. Maybe from famous photographers or maybe from a contest ... I did not know. But all those photos are so heart touching and I really can feel the connection between me and them. Just a great move.
People Come and ...
They have also created a very beautiful surroundings with lights and shadows. You may also find some chairs to rest. And... yeah! The secret of all successful malls in the east I suppose ... You need to have places to eat or sell food! And, you bet the food in the Eslite book street need to be fancier!
誠品在這裡也創造了非常美的景象,利用光與影,結合在地的攝影展。人潮頗多,也有座椅可以歇歇腳。但,最重要的是.... 一定得要有賣吃的啦!但即便如此,這裡的食物飲料等,也得要更文創一些喔!
Hope to see you here next time!
End today's post with my favorite photo from the exhibition. Can you connect with them? :)
There are so many good and positive things happening in the world thanks for sharing just one of them.
Steemit really brings together the best things and a lot of inspirational people.
Have a beautiful day.
I am following you too.
Let's hope good conquer bad and positive outweigh negative!
Yes :)
Very good picture, you are a reliable photographer? I often see your blog, look at my blog because we are the same photography :) votes if you think my blog is good master @deanliu
I love the ambiance created by Eslite. It is like the Starbucks of books and culture. By owning property spaces and turning it into social nodes, it is indeed a good place to indulge and appreciate the pool of knowledge and culture :) unfortunately, they also just loss their founder not long ago. However, I see the value had already embedded into the company. That is great and I hope to see it expand more and
nowadays, it's hard to get a genuine feedback like this any more... thank you! :)
Most welcome @deanliu, felt genuinely happy with the compliment.
i support with your comment 👌
Very good material 👍@Kimzwarch @deanliu
thanks @sdd!
i have never visited taiwan,but i have see one film about's very nice island
That is great and I hope to see it expand more
Beautifull , really
Nice photo...
good post
wow nice Book Street
the best post I've ever seen
that's quite an honor to me! really? _
your post is very. i really like.
Wonderful shots :) followed you..
不錯嘛!可以去應徵他們的行銷部門了~~~~ :D
I am more amazed to see the photos that you present here. The photo provides more information than just a complement, thanks for sharing @deanliu, nice post
Goods post
I am so glad, because we still have bookstore here and that is very rare now. Were everyone is adopting e-books.
Thank you so much for sharing all this information! that's great! All the best! Waiting for more posts! :)
good post
Your history is very good. It is very good to enjoy these history. I sincerely welcome and congratulate you for this history.👌👌👌👌👌
Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing such nice, uplifting information.
太多好的分享,我 follow 了大哥你 :)香港這邊也有誠品書店,不過看過 @deanliu 你介紹台北這間,還是台灣的誠品比較有味道和特式,地方也寬敞很多 (香港地方太少,也難怪 XD)
Interesting place, I haven't seen anything like this before... I'll resteem this post if you don't mind to spread the word about Mr Wu and his masterpiece :)
really great feed
R.I.P Mr Wu. The store looks to create a great vibe and atmosphere for all inside, would be relaxing and nice to spend some time quietly reading there.
nice place....I been there b4....upvote and resteem
去年看過一篇訪問,好像吳先生說城品從沒賺過甚麼錢。很敬佩他沒因此放棄,繼續下去,為我們提供不只是一家書店,還是一個 lifestyle.
聽說她女兒比較會賺錢.... 不過, 理想與現實總是要兼顧~~~
我一直很喜歡誠品的感覺!! 我目前最喜歡的還是松菸了,書本與文創生活的結合~ :)
I like the way you illustrate your write up with pictures and clear statement . More grease to your elbow.
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @deanliu!
대만이라는 곳을 한번도 가보지는 못했지만 꼭 한번 가보고 싶네요. 여러가지 경험을 해보고 싶네요..
是不是去年已經開了? 印象中去年到台北時好像去過.
What is the air quality like underground? Is it filtered an air-conditioned?
For book lovers, Eslite bookstore is a must-go when visiting Taiwan. A reason I go to Taiwan is to visit any Eslite bookstore because there's a lot of variety of books from English to Chinese. It is one of the best book store in the world!
plce for reading