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RE: The Caterpillar Form Of Lophocampa caryae, The Hickory Tussock Moth

in #photography7 years ago

I had not - but it is immediately endearing.

Once this dissecting microscope gets here I'm gonna spend a lot of time figuring out how to take some mean extreme macro shots - and once I get the hang of it, the potential is there to expand my blog to cover a wider variety of fauna and flora.

However, to really get into the weeds with caterpillars, or any bugs for that matter, I'm gonna need to get over a life long phobia... once in a while I'll find microscopic mites living inside the gills of a wild mushroom, and even that tends to freak me out a bit...


I had my students taking surprisingly good shots by just holding their cell phone lenses to the eyepiece of the old monocular scopes. They were way more enthusiastic about doing that, and then editing their photos to add arrows and comments, than they were about drawing what they saw by hand (which would have been easier)

That's how I've been getting decent macro shots on the cheap - my phone and a jewelers lens! And boy is it surprising - I remember trying it the first time certain it wouldn't work and then having my mind blown.