
Absolutely! I think problems won't decrease, but maybe the type of problems will change just as where the problems will arise. So maybe there will more problems and instability in the West and people will immigrate to Africa or other continents! The world works in circles so the tables could shift overnight.

You are absolutely right, things donswitch like this and that's why I think it's very important to always be humble. Tables can turn on us quickly.

When I arrived in China 15 years ago I told my friends that China will take over, and how can we possibly keep up with this pace? Everybody laughed at me and look at China today. Africa is next in line and some parts in Africa are now developing much faster than anywhere else. Europe on the other hand I am afraid to say is falling apart

Exactly, we never know. It's the same with people. One day a person can be a millionaire, and the next day bankrupt, while another can be poor, but get a big break that gets him millions. It's just the way life is; nothing is permanent.