Dear Stemians, few weeks ago I traveled to Langsa, Aceh. It have a mangrove forest that protected by the goverment.

It have a mangrove forest that protected by the goverment. Manggrove is a small tree grows in brackish water such as estuary.
Earthour.WWF stated that there are five benefits of manggorev forest. First of all, it can prevent seawater intrusion to the land. Marine intrusion can cause groundwater become brackish, therefore it not good for consumption. Futhermore, preventing erosion and marine abrasion.

Next, mangrove forest as a natural deterrent and filter. It can help speed up the process of decomposing marine chemicals such as oil and detergent, and a natural barrier to strong sea winds in certain seasons.Then, mangrove forest has role in the formation of the island and stabilize coastal areas. Mangrove growth extends coastal boundaries and provides opportunities for terrestrial plants to live and flourish in the land area. The last is mangrove provide source food and place to life for some types of animals.
Langsa Mangrove forest also empowered by the goverment to attract tourist. It also have high potential for tourism place.
Nic pots