(..when was the last time You interacted w/ an animal in nature, or even really looked at one? Just saying, because by the look of 'it', sooner than You might think it won't be possible to do it any more, cause we all be dead !!..)
(..one of the two female crows that stopped by when I passed by, so I took the camera out and shoot a couple of photos..)
(..the other crow, these birds are now somewhat rare around here and it used to be possible to watch ravens too, but then people destroyed their natural habitat because they're stupid and I haven't seen a raven around for almost 20 Years..)
(..not sure if it is young enough to be a cockerel or if has enough age to be a rooster, still it is pretty cool..)
(..it was curious about the photographies so he stuck around, or it might be one of the small chicks I've feed in the past and remembers it..)
(.."-Chicken: Photo-shoot session, gotta look good!"
From the same generation of the previously presented Gallus gallus so it might also remember being fed if it happened, all of the younger just run off as soon I got closer x_) ..)
(..looking good for the photo..)
(..Turtle Cat: Peacefully looks at camera
Yellow Cat: "- Who the bloody hell You think You are!!"..)
(..Turtle Cat: Continues to look
Yellow Cat thinks: "- Well he is right, damn You humans.."..)
(.. self-explanatory..)

..until next one..
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
Photos shot w/ FUJiFILM FinePix S4000
Photos edited w/ GIMP · GNU Image Manipulation Program Software