(..or not, it depends on "taste", yet w/ all happening and all the non-union of the various people, races, creeds, faiths, except the 'elite' ones, the 'so called' 1%, I can't quite find that much inspiration most of the time, don't take me wrong, I love photography and it helps a bit to escape all the BS for a while until, another face diaper wearing retard appears into view..)..moving on..
..Barreiro water reservoir..
(..one of the collection of water reservoirs I might be doing..)
(..w/ Barreiro Hospital to the right [not realy a good one, if there are any good hospitals]..)
(..the further away, the better..)
(..around the middle, "one of the culprits", barely can see it, but it is there..)
(..now You see?!..)
(..those shits multiply faster than mice or cockroaches, but are actually not friendly, nor natural..)
(..this one I can't remember exactly where it is located, not even checking the map..)
(..the unkown water reservoir from a little different angle..)
(..at the entrance of Pinhal da Vila Chã ["Chã village's Pine Forest"] ~ 1,5Km from the bridge over the highway I was on.. [thou it doesn't seem like a pine forest any more]..)
(..burn it to the ground?! Since in Europe we shouldn't have the judeo-christian satanic BS..)
(..on the right its inverted crucifix..)
(..a mix of old and new trails that survived the detruction of the land, from the highway on the left to its right there used to be woods, could almost be called forest..)
(..on the Hospital, from all the antennas visible, only one of them is not for 5G, is a lightning rod, and probably one more reason why the hospital is known not for healing, instead, causing deaths, beside the known bad practices and poluting the air around for incenerating way more biohazard material than permited, from inside sources most of the trash from a lot of the country's hospitals are sent here to burn, 'no single fuck is given' and the news about many shit that happens there vanishes and only the electoral propaganda remains..)
(..'declared' protected so the zombie-sheep continues to see 'them' w/ 'good' eyes..)
..until next one..
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
Photos shot w/ FUJiFILM FinePix S4000
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