India is a synonym to diversity. 100s of languages(literally), multiple cultures and not to forget the cuisine heritage.
This is my attempt to share the glimpse of a wonderful country through a series of photographs, all captured by me !
Lord Ganesha -The god for a new beginning and fresh starts!
The royal palace of Mysore.-,76.6529596,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3baf701103f9a1f9:0xc37fbae2a124da0d!8m2!3d12.3051351!4d76.6551483
Fancy?! lol
A male peacock in all it's glory.
Lake view sunset.
Selfie with the sculpture.
A century old mosque.
Great post...loved it..waiting for more your photo .... @currysoul
thanks! I will be sharing more soon.
I like coffee :P