PIXA.PICS - Its Free and Open-Source! Now ∞% off.

in #photography3 years ago (edited)


Hello Hive! Does your data will now mostly outlives you if it isn't stored on the blockchain technology? If we were able to provide an answer, we were unable to provide a nice solution.


Question: How to share something like a photo of my homies without getting too much attention?
Answer: Making the photo seriously dumb as f*ck would show too much about it we know, but making that photo less clear while showing it, the content you wanted to display, does make sense.


Lana Del Rey

  • Pictures are worthy of a thousand words (1Kb) even when they are only 3.7Kb instead of 45.5Kb.
  • Example obviously made in Switzerland ^^

Wanna Try It? Yes or No? ---> https://pixa.pics/

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By Wallet Crypto Red - CEO: Affolter Matias