Here are some photos I captured while walking from New York Penn Station (at 7th Avenue and 31st Street) proceeding along 7th Avenue to 45th Street, which is in the heart of Times Square, and then continuing along Broadway to Columbus Circle. And then in reverse to catch the NJ Transit Northeast Corridor Line from New York Penn Station back to Metropark Station.
Follow me @cognoscere

7:00 AM at Metropark, awaiting the 7:15 train to New York Penn Station.

Sculpture by Jonathan Borofsky titled Human Structures. See Human Structures: By Susan at for a nice write-up.

Billboard for Total Request Live at Times Square.

Photo of a photo shoot.

30 Lincoln Plaza

Near the Marriott Marquis at 1535 Broadway.

Coca Cola says "Share Your Moment in Times Square", so that's what I'm doing 👍🏽

Times Square sure does get pretty crowed!

The Empire State Building.

Sony RX100 V)All images @cognoscere and taken on Thursday October 5th and Friday October 6th, 2017 in NYC (
For a second there I thought I landed in the world of Minecraft :P

The sky looks amazing 😍😍 I love Times Square area , never gets old for me . Do you like The city ?
Upvote & Resteem
wow amazing photos i like it <3
Wow pretty awesome and really amazing photography you captured. I like this sky viewing landscape. Most of huge Buildings with lot of huge crowd enjoy their life satisfactorily. 100% likes.
Have a magical day!!!
Wow very very beautiful photography .
Have a nice day
Outstanding collection of photos!!
Wow that's quite a walk - i bet your dogs were barkin' afterwards! My two faves are the one of the Human Structures art installation and the Empire State Building. Awesome captures :)
Love the Empire State Building and that Green M&M is really fun. Thanks taking a walk with us @cognoscere!
Excellent photo shoot. very beautiful..
100% like and resteem
There is something about arriving at the PABT at 5AM /6AM as the sun rises. It's a lethargic feeling at first. But that quickly goes away as a swelling feeling of dread and hope that comes with the first signs of life awakening in NYC.
wow wow wow this is awesomeness
What a wonderful contrast. Most of the walks we have on here are of nature..the beach, woods, etc...
The city that never is amazing to see all those people. NYC is a great place to visit, hard to live there (and expensive).
Thanks for posting that....I need to visit there again...been a few years.
Thank you for such a nice trip . I feel a little tired of walking so long but so satisfied ;))) UP
Your street photography is really good @cognoscere. I like the angles. NYC is somewhere I have never been and Im not sure I would love the crowds.....I like open spaces :) I can enjoy it via pictures though.