An evening walk to the Lansdale train station after a nice 1/2-rack of St. Louis style pork ribs at the Stove & Tap in Lansdale, Pennsylvania.
The 4:44 PM SEPTA train towards Philly was just pulling away and the station was eerily empty.

Sony RX100 V)All images @cognoscere and taken on Saturday December 2nd, 2017 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania (
Awesome railway photoshots with very delicious food.
Lansdale Station is looking fantastic. Delightful at night time.
beautiful photography...😎😎😎
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.Lovely captures @cognoscere.
I went to Pennsylvania a couple of times and it’s so beautiful there and very peaceful there . The food looks delicious !!
Living the good life @cognoscere. Handsome station building.
This is very beautiful photography.
have a nice day thanks @cognoscere
Wel done buddy...
Cheers~~~Such a wonderful photograpy collection by @cognoscere
Hey @cognoscere....I lost track of you for a bit there.
I enjoyed this photo blog. Your Sony takes some very crisp photos.....and obviously your talent is key.
I wasn't sure what I liked better - the rack of ribs (1/2 rack) or the trains and station. All good. :)
Beautiful photography as always i am delighted to see :D
I've always loved trains. I'm one of the weird people who loves living across the street from train tracks. That's a really pretty train station. I've never seen a train station like that other than in movies. We have one here that was abandoned for most of my life but recently got turned into a restaurant and bar.
awesome photos..the food made me yummy :)
That station does look unexpectedly empty- probably a commuter station into philly? Really great photos!
Great photos here. My fave was the first one and the one with the holiday wreath. Resteemed
Those look like they are still running on electric using the wires...
Really great night photos. Especially the first, with the night sky and lights. Nice works.
That's a clean train station! I'm always impressed with the size and sturdiness of the train infrastructure. They plan that system to last a long time. I hope you are enjoying the late autumn in your area!