I saw this rather bizarre sky on the way home from work and captured images from three different locations.
Are they chemtrails, or contrails, or just by chance a pretty sky?
What really puzzles me are those dark bands, but it was certainly interesting to watch.
I could see a number of drivers craning their necks to get a better view, especially at stop lights.
Follow me @cognoscere

Sony RX100 V)All images @cognoscere and taken on Thursday September 21, 2017 in Central New Jersey (
there are no such thing as chem trails
Says who? A chemtrail is simply a trail of chemicals in the sky. Technically, the jet-fuel streaming out the back of a jet can be considered a chemtrail.
I say so.
the jet-fuel streaming out the back of a jet can be considered a chemtrail
That doesn't happen. The fuel is burned in the engine and the EXHAUST comes out the back. If fuel was streaming then there are some SERIOUS problems.
BUT.....technical details aside...by that definition I agree.
that's NOT the definition currently used.
Yeah, who could ever imagine someone being evil enough to spray any kind of noxious chemicals out the back of an aircraft?😉 Certainly, not crop-dusters, right, that stuff is good for you to breathe in, and the fact that it leaves a coating on virtual everything on the ground, well so what.
That's a baby-step example I gave up above. But I seriously doubt it stops at crop-dusters!
crop dusters don't leave chemtrails (by the commonly used definition)they leave a cloud of poison behind them, typically from about a ten foot altitude. I've seen those crazy pilots go UNDER highline wires. The chemicals are only in the air a few seconds. They typically do NOT spray on windy days. (why waste expensive chemicals on nontargeted plants?)
Everyone knows that. Farmers pay big bux to have the poison sprayed on their crops. It's either that or lose the crops to bugs. If that happens often enough everyone starves.
Controversial topic you bring up @cognoscere. I would like to believe that these are just pretty clouds but it sure seems unlikely. Condensation wouldn't hang around for so long and clouds wouldn't just be trailing behind jets. I just hope that, overall, the chemicals are not excessively harmful. But, not sure we'll ever hear the entire truth.
It sure does look interesting though. Thanks for the share!
Resteemed..lets see what others think.
Your welcome, thanks for stopping by and commenting!
For sure they don't look really normal...
Definitely not normal, I know because I live here!
I think of these as chemtrails though or could be air traffic evidence. Hahaha what term was that Gail
Who knows, I certainly don't. I can say that it was pretty abnormal, compared to what we normally see.
Beyond that, the difference between normal con trails and what I believe to be chem trails is stark. A bit of digging brings a lot of info to light that is in no way hidden. I guess it all depends on what you're willing to believe. CheersI happen to believe in chem trails. Outside of the typical YouTube talking heads and crazy people going on about HAARP, Cern and all that, there is plenty of government information on cloud seeding (http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/WWW000/text/cseed.html )as far back as the 60s (http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/723815.pdf), high altitude bacteria drops (https://www.nasa.gov/ames/feature/eclipse-balloons-to-study-effect-of-mars-like-environment-on-life ) to be at least skeptical.
Add it to the long list of things we're not told about and have really no clue about. Apparently, we can't handle the truth 🤥
they count on us not looking for it
Skies like this make me feel good about living . So much energy , from the skies
It was certainly beautiful to watch, lots of great colors, and criss-crossed with a whole lot of who knows what?
Just from the pics it seems contrails in the upper atmosphere. The wind blows in different directions at different altitudes. Combined with the angle of the sun at the time creates the dark looking bands on the clouds..
Looks pretty cool.
I'd much prefer they be contrails, as the thought of chemtrails creeps me out!!!
i don't know much about chemtrails but the shots are beautiful ;p :D
Amazing sky! Great shot! I'm a sky lover! ;)