20 Easy Ways to Stop Over-using Plastic And Help Saving the Marine Life

in #photography7 years ago

Working in a dive center made me realise one thing : our eco syteme is suffering, our oceans dying from the invasive plastic and the marine life eating more plastic and garbages than they surely should !

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It is super important that we slow down our use of plastic and switch to a more environmentally-friendly way of life; It is urgent !

It is sometimes hard to take new habits but nowadays it is so important that we all actively stop consuming plastic excessivelly.

Beautiful underwater world that we need to protect, picture taken during a diving trip last month.

Plastic is everywhere, from our toothbrush to our shampoo bottle, the food that we buy already wrapped and so on!

There is a few tricks that you need to konw to Easily slow down your use of plastic and slowing down by the same time the filling up of your bin and then the damage caused by plastic to our world, especially to marine life !

1-Always carry a reusable bag to avoid single-use plastic bags
2-Carry a bambou or reusable straw and refuse the single use ones at the restaurant
3-Buy a reusable water bottle to avoid having to buy plastic one

5-Switch from soap in plastic bottle to bar soap in paper packaging
7-choose products in glass container over similar products in plastic
8-Stop chewing gum as It is made from plastic and is definitelly not healthy at all
9-Stick to wooden matches instead of disposable plastic lighters
10- Buy in bulk
11- use washable nappies for your little ones instead of single-use ones
12- Buy bread at your local baker instead of buying it in supermarkets already in plastic
13-Swap your industrial snacks always covered by way too much plastic by more healthy ones like nuts and fruits that you can buy in bulk

16-Wrap birthday present in paper and avoid the superfluous plastic bubble wrap and bows
17-Try not to use ballons for decoration
18-For women, switch the one use tampons for a cup that you can reuse forever, much more comfortable by the way :

19-stop wrapping food in plastic but purchase a bee wax wrapping solution, easily done !

4-Switch your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one, here is for one place to purchase from :https://www.brushwithbamboo.com/ 14-Make your own toothpaste, its not that hard as it seems: https://www.diynatural.com/homemade-toothpaste/ 15-Make your own shampoo : https://www.diynatural.com/homemade-shampoo/ https://www.ladycup.eu/default.aspx https://www.beeswrap.com/ 20-If you really do need plastic bags, buy kassava ones, available here : http://www.avanieco.com/