🐝Honey Bee 🐝
Although commonly thought as endangered, the honey bee is actually doing well, however I can not say the same for specific Bees on the endangered species list.
The Importance of Bees
♥ I hope you enjoyed this post, all photos are by me, Katie G ♥
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How can you tell the difference betbetwbetwebetween Canadian bees and American bees?
they have a unique characteristic. =)
Sorry for my phone being stupid.
Hi @cainplant ..I enjoy your post very much. Thanks
Like the photo, nice focus on the bee! Also curious about the difference between Canadian and American honey bees. You're probably too far north to be getting the African bees.
thanks Johncongdon, the Canadian bees I'm referring to are not honey bees, they look similar to a bumble bee but they have a unique characteristic that I have not seen on the bumble bee's here. I am too far north for African bees but I did see them in Costa Rica, yikes.