Great entry I use a special Free app to know what flower or plant it is ! Let me know if you need it to complement your photo blogs. Have a great day!
Great entry I use a special Free app to know what flower or plant it is ! Let me know if you need it to complement your photo blogs. Have a great day!
I would like to know this app if you do not mind. Yesterday I was searching quite while for my London Planetree. Thank you very much in advance, Johann
Hi johann offcourse it Picture This
I blog about its lots. Here is one for example :
Its Nice next To great pictures to give extra info!
Let me know if you like it
Hi, thank you very much - I will give it a try and tell you then.
Greetings to the Netherlands from Austria, Johann :)
You Will like it I think 😉
It's for Iphones - I have an Android phone :(
But I have found a few Android apps I will give a try to. Thank you anyway very much because I have not thought that there might be an app for such searches.
Greetings, Johann