Journey as an Mobile Photographer

in #photography7 years ago

6 Years back when I started using my smartphone camera as a photography tool. I never thought that it will turn out as such a big thing for me. Earlier than Instagram was a new thing and phone photography was just started.

The Image reminds me of those days when,

I was confused, scared to use a mobile phone when everyone around using a DSLR. I kept myself out, mostly in the corner of the group to avoid any interaction or direct approach from anyone in any photo walks. I was one of those unknown artists, who never come forward and show their creativity or vision, just because they have the fear to be criticized or judged by the fellow artist. Which sometimes results in Abandonment just because we are not able to compete in our social circle.


People can teach you how to take good photos with technical aspects, but they can’t change your perspective (How you look at things differently). So stop Living in Dark, after-all you need to do is to keep pushing your limits and keep doing what you do best.


All you need is Light of Hope from

People who understand you and your art, a circle of friends and well-wishers who keep pushing you to try something new and appreciate your efforts. The beginning of me as a phone photographer was quite challenging for me but the support I got kept me on track with a vision to achieve something in future. As they say,

"You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight."


Hold the vision, Trust the Process

After all, the hustle, madness and countless efforts in the selection of right thing comes to a moment where you know you what you have to do, So stick there, keep learning new things and keep refreshing it on a timely basis.


Getting into details is something you should do to understand your work better. Capturing an image to its final output goes to a round of processing and self-approval. Techincal knowledge helps you in uplifting your work and also help you to stand out from others.


Confidence is the key to success

All you need is the confidence on what you are doing. Learning new things is great but you need to keep practicing on what you already know. As it's only practice which makes you perfect.

"Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow".

Remember one thing all you need is to take chances and try things which are out of your comfort zone.


What do you feel as an artist? Do share your experiences, your journey, your story in the comment section.

  • Travography
    (from Nexus 5 to Samsung S9+)

times change. if something is worth capturing its worth sharing. ive been always a video type of person. but without a video camera. hah... it hurts... still its better to just let it go than to heat up about it. doing the most with what you got.