蜱蟲傷人,大家注意了,被它咬傷後果嚴重 The locust wounded, everyone noticed, and it was seriously bitten by it

in #photography6 years ago



Pí (pí) is also called a niche, commonly known as shit. Cuckoo in the bushes, plants in the shallow hills, or lodging in the fur of livestock and other animals. When not sucking blood, small talents are like mung beans, and they are also very fine, such as rice grains. When they are full of blood, they have full size of soya beans and large nail covers. Anaplasmosis is a communicable disease, and people are generally susceptible to the disease. Medical personnel who are in close contact with critical patients and who have direct contact with the patient's blood or other body fluids may also be infected if they do not pay attention to protection.



Adults in the back of the body with a strong shell of the shield, known as the hard tick (pí), is a hard carp family; without shield plate, known as soft palate, is a soft tick family. About 800 species have been discovered around the world, including about 700 species of hard-shelled turtles, about 150 species of soft-shelled turtles, and 1 species of Nasidae (only in Europe). China has recorded about 100 species of hard ticks and 10 species of soft ticks. Earthworms are temporary parasites on the surface of many vertebrates, and are vectors and reservoirs of zoonoses.



The worms are oval in shape. When they are not sucking blood, their backs are flat and their backs are slightly raised. Adults have body lengths of 2 to 10 mm. After engorgement, they swell, such as red beans or castor-seeds, which can be as long as 30 mm. Table leather quality, back or shelled. After the virus invades the human body, it directly acts on the whole body capillaries and small blood vessels, causing extensive damage to the blood vessel wall, increasing the permeability of the blood vessel wall, leading to edema of tissues or organs, and thus congesting or bleeding of the entire body's mucous membranes, such as the patient's Cheeks, nose, neck, chest, upper arm, etc., redness or bleeding, and endanger the heart, lung, spleen, stomach, kidney, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other organs.



Some patients also have extensive microthrombosis and are prone to severe water-electrolyte acid-base balance disorders. The most serious is damage to human kidneys, and severe cases often die of uremia renal failure. The virus also acts on the nervous system, causing severe headache, eyelid pain, back pain, and body aches. The patient is generally hyperthermia. Patients who are severely ill or fail to be treated in time often have serious complications such as heart failure, lung cancer, and spontaneous rupture of the kidney.



The hard shell locust sucks the entire head in the meat during the blood sucking process. Even if it is full of blood, it will not fall off automatically. It is not an easy task to take it by hand. The body of a locust (mites) is divided into two parts, but it still can't get into the part of the meat. This is the most terrible part of the hard shell mites. Maybe we can imagine the occurrence of these bloodsheds are from this kind of Hard shell locust.


預防蜱咬1、消滅家畜體表和畜舍中的蜱蟲,可噴灑敵百蟲、敵敵畏等殺蟲劑。 2、加強個人防護,進入林區或野外工作,要穿長袖衣衫,紮緊腰帶、袖口、褲腿,頸部系上毛巾,皮膚表面塗擦藥膏可預防蜱蟲叮咬,外出歸來時洗澡,防止把蜱蟲帶回家。另外夏天,正是人們外出旅遊的好季節,在這裡我要提醒大家就是到野外遊玩時,除上述兩點要注意之外,別去尚未開發好的風景區、盡量少去草叢濃密的森林野地。這樣我們就會避免蜱蟲咬傷。

Prevention of bites 1. Elimination of aphids in livestock and poultry houses can spray insecticides such as trichlorfon and dichlorvos. 2. Strengthen personal protection, work in the forest or in the field, wear long-sleeved clothes, fasten the belts, cuffs, trousers, attach a towel to the neck, and apply cream on the skin to prevent worms from biting and bathe when returning. Bring locusts home. In the summer, it is a good season for people to travel. I would like to remind everyone here that in the wilderness, besides the above two points, you should not go to the untapped scenic areas and try to go as far as possible to the bushy forest wilderness. . In this way we will avoid locust bites.