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RE: digitalis - today's sunset in my city

in #photography8 years ago

Lucky you! Mine is 10 yrs old. Looks like warranty had been 6 yrs (I bought it in the US) but I'm still past warranty. I am now awaiting shipping on a compact camera that is supposed to be decent for Macro and have 50x optical zoom, so it would cover both my macro and bird wants and be lighter for my hand issues (I get pain when I shoot because of the weight and an old hand injury). It feels so wrong to go that direction, but with the low pixel count on my body, I'd need both body and lens. Lens repair sounds likely to cost more than new equivalent lens. I just don't have the budget. I hope your lens is back soon with everything resolved!


What brand model compact did you get? I am sure you will love it :)
Good thing tamron philippines honored the 3 yrs warranty. my lens is 1 yr and 9 months old. I just called today and its fixed. will get it on saturday.

I am awaiting a Sony Hx400... It's supposed to have 50x zoom, 20-some MP, and be able to focus at really short distance. The only drawback seems to be less depth of field, but a friend suggested that with the pixel count, I can zoom a little less and crop.