A Beautiful Missouri Sunset

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

My wife and I take date nights every two weeks that are based around our love of photography. We typically begin by going to dinner and follow it up with a photography adventure. Sometimes we plan our photo shoots ahead of time, but more often than not it is a spur of the moment decision.  About a month ago we headed to the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri for this event.  We were able to take some incredible shots of the city, but as daylight began to fade away our attention was drawn to the sun setting in the western sky.  This created a beautiful scene and resulted in one of my favorite photos of the night which is pictured below.

If you enjoyed this short post and would like to see more of the photos from our photography date nights, please give it an upvote and leave a comment below....

-Never leave home without your camera - you never know what you'll miss!


What an awesome and sweet date night idea! I might steal it! And that sunset- sheesh! So beautiful!

Thank you!
You should give the photography date night a try - they're a lot of fun!

It's officially on the list- what have been some successful ventures?

We themed a couple of our outings around nature and visited a nature sanctuary on one of them and a wildlife area on another. We ended up with some really nice pictures.
At he nature sanctuary we found some deer to photograph as well as a beautiful natural waterfall in a stream.
When we visited the wildlife area we were hoping to see some more deer, but we didn't find any. We decided since there were a lot of bugs and wildflowers we would photograph them instead. It turned out to be a great time!
Always keep an open mind about what you'll be taking pictures of and I'm sure you'll have a blast!
We are taking one of our date nights this Friday and I don't know what we will be taking pictures of this time, but whatever it is I know we will be together enjoying each others company:-)
I may write a post in the near future about different themes for photography date nights......

These all sound great - there are enough parks nearby that we could totally do some of the nature themed parks. Great Falls comes to mind. Have a great date night and please do post on ideas!! Also could you include what to do if you have 1 DSLR and 2 iphones...e.g. how can we share?? Is it possible?? :)

Great Falls sounds like it would be an amazing place to take some photos!
I will do my best to help you out with how to share your photos.
If you don't mind my asking, what DSLR do you have - this may come into play with the photo sharing.

Don't mind at all - it's a canon 7d mark ii

a very beautiful sun set

Great photo!! :D

What a great shot. I love sunsets. Good job catching that one.

Awesome photo. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.

Thank you!

You're welcome. Hope you get to experience many more in your travels.