Thanks! It's decent, though quite a few people have done quite a bit better. But yeah, I'm happy to have made it this far. :) And I hope this kind of better technology continues to happen where regular people are liberated more and the huge monopolies less. And.. I have a feeling it will happen if steemit goes up in value and becomes mainstream. I guess we'll see how it goes! :)
Thanks for the encouragement and for the nice words about me and my fathers pictures! And yeah.. Arizona is sorta similar to New Mexico.. The 4 corners area and the south west is just a really beautiful area for sure.. I think that's one reason they've made so many movies around here. Heh. Sedona is actually known as Little Hollywood. There's quite a bit of history here.
Thanks for the good luck! Same to you grizzman!! I've enjoyed interacting with you so far. You seem like good peoples.