Pleasant Skies

in #photographylast year

I went out for a quick fly with the drone yesterday and the weather was wonderful.
There was a cool breeze and it was a bit cloudy, so it wasn't too hot or too cold and I found a nice spot to sit up on a mountain and took off. :)

I was once again amazed by how amazing the drone technology is and I was able to get some shots I never would have been able to get before without the ability to fly.

Like this picture I included for example, I never would have been able to get this shot without the drone, and it's a pretty cool shot in my opinion!

I know it's just regular middle of day light and there's no rainbow or lightning or anything epic like that, but... There's some nice puffy clouds and I still like it, plus... Maybe I could get a rainbow or lightning there in the future and I can definitely go back and get a nice colorful sunset shot!

At one point I almost hit a tree with the drone and my heart jumped into my throat so to speak... Definitely don't want to have any problems so soon after fixing it! Or at all really... I guess I still have a lot to improve, though I have been improving a lot and it feels good to have so much more experience and knowledge about drone stuff.

Anyways... I could go on for a while, though I think that's enough for now.
I'll just finish by saying that I'ma try to get out there and practice more soon and hopefully have a Sedona Drone Reel by around the end of the year or so? I have some other projects coming up too, can't wait to share more when I can. <3




Likewise! It sure is a treat. :) I was just out flying again today and marveling at how amazing it is. Also, it's good to hear from you! It looks like you made another account for writing? That's cool.