Misty Morning. (Another one of my father's images)

in #photography7 years ago

#53   misty morning 4x6 web.jpg

Here's another shot from my pops, this one is in Sedona as well and the mountain is called "Coffee Pot". Cause.. It kinda looks like a coffee pot, lol. I don't think I was there with my father when he got this so I'm not sure what camera he used or much more than that.. It looks like 6x7 qualitywise, so I'm guessing it is. I think it's a pretty "cool" shot, pun intended. And, I need to get more snow shots myself! It's one of the main things I'm working on now, though sometimes we go a year or a couple years without getting snow here.. So.. It's not the easiest to get and when it happens.. I try to be out there to get some stuff.


Very nice! Keep up the good work!

Wow, that's an amazing shot. I wanna see that place in person.

Word! I highly suggest checking it out if you ever get a chance to visit in person. It really is an amazing place! Outside of the death heat in the summer anyways, heh.

Nice photography skills

Oh wow. That's a crazy view.

Very well. clicked

Nice click. Your father is a great photographer.

Thanks for the nice words about my father! And.. Glad to hear you liked it. :)

Wow, the cold white to the red, to the bright blue is insane contrast. Plus the smoke(or STEEM haha) is awesome. Great photo.

Thanks for the thoughtful description and response. :) Glad to hear you appreciated it!

I did! I cant take pics for crap, so I know talent haha

Word. And heh.. I feel kinda similar! Like.. I'm not very good at taking pictures, but I'm good at being at the right place at the right time so it sorta works out! Lol. ._.

No bro, you are good, don't be so humble haha

That is amazingly surreal!

It looks like a steaming coffee pot! :P

yes it makes me think about the real meaning of STEEM like its a GAS form of Water molecules where the h20 can bounce around as vapor and freely move around! and steem blockchain is like a big boiler and the excess energy is syphoned off into tubes off into poloniex and bittrex and exchanges where the steem is soldd for bitcoin....and it IS like steem water vapor beccause it freely moves around! steem has highest velcoiity of money of any cryptos because its the only crypto currency with guaranteed instant transaction times AND a FREE transactions which makes sending and receiving money super eay and easier than ANY other crypo! bitcoin and ethereum make u use this suoer long un memorizable adddress but here u canjust use your username and thats it! al u need is someones steemit username t be able to send them money AND then find them and contact them and talk about it! wiith Btcoinu can send money to a bitcoin adddress but then u have no way of sending messages witht sending actual biitcoi and inluding a message inthe txt ID which just means moremoney sppent on transaction fees AND wil take like 20 minutes when with steemit u can just send messages and MAKE money off them!!!! u cant sen private messages here which is GREAt thing because everything is out in the open for people to upvote and so its like imagine if ur facebook or twootter private messages could all be upvooted and earn you money! then imagine all the COMMENTS the PUBLIC ones from facebooj and redit! imagine if u got a peny for everone of those comments like we basically do here on steemit!!!

god the list grows larger and larger but STEEM is like

Woooaaaahh :P Maybe this can be a post ? :P @ackza

go ahead and use it for own! make a post! i give you permission! just add some more stuff! u have my permissiion!

Well said ackza! When I was explaining steemit to my father recently I sort of used the steem engine metaphor which is similar to yours, but you went into a lot more detail than I'm capable of cause I just don't understand it as much as you appear to.

But.. A couple months back, there was a point when Dan basically resigned cause the others didn't want to make steemit open source, and this was something that bothered me as well cause I'm all for more openness and freedom, and Dan came on steemit and made a post about the history of steam engines, and how if the government didn't scare off and intimidate the competition, we would have advanced much quicker as a species.. And that copyright laws actually sort of HOLD US back when it comes to new technologies an such especially.

And this made me realize there are a lot of similarities between steemit and the old steam engine.. I have a feeling that is why steemit was named what it was named.. That it had something to do with the history of "steam".. So.. Yeah.. I can't prove it, but I think you're really onto something there.
I think steemit might literally be named that cause the people who created it thought it resembled "steam".

PS it looks like your message cut off at the end it says..

"god the list grows larger and larger but STEEM is like"

Were you trying to say more there?

Lol. :) Yeah it does... Nature is funny sometimes!
Glad to hear you appreciated the image. ._.

I know this place, great shot of it.

That's cool, how do you know of Sedona if you don't mind me asking? Also thanks for appreciating!

just lots of travelling :) jpstonesphotography.com

Ah. Gotcha.. I checked out your portfolio and you have some awesome shots! Well done and thanks for sharing. :)

Excellent picture skills from your pop's! That looks like it was pretty cold when the picture was taken.

Thanks for the nice word about my dad! And yeah, despite how incredibly hot it is here in the summer.. It gets really cold in the winter sometimes! We get some cold fronts that move through that make me wonder where I even live, lol.. Is this the desert? Or mars? Or..? I dunno, but it's an interesting place.

i like your post my friend

I like that you like the post. Thanks for appreciating, friend. :)

Very nice is there. It does not matter the device counts like it came out really nice. Would you like if you can post on this mountain because I am very curious to find out more information.

Thanks for the comment. I tend to agree in regards to the device. Though I'm not sure what you mean here..?

"Would you like if you can post on this mountain because I am very curious to find out more information."

I'm not sure what you're saying but I think you're asking for more information about the mountain.
As I mentioned in the post, it's called Coffee Pot rock and it's in Sedona Arizona in the United States. If you type that into google you should prob find what I'm guessing you're looking for.

Holy Shit thats an amazing photo looks like something out of national geographic!

You have huge feat to fill if you ever want to be a photographer like that! WOW

Maybe youre alreeady better thanhi, i duno u should post your ownversiion of an image like that of an evenmore impressive rock formation to one up him!

Lol. Thanks for the great and energetic comment. :)
I do have huge feet to fill.. Indeed.
I wouldn't say I'm better than him, he is better than me. But.. I have got some pretty good shots! And perhaps when I pass I'll have a greater collection because I started a lot younger.. Though in my mind, he'll kind of always be better than me.

I do post my stuff on here, though I haven't posted any for a while.. !
Here's my pride and joy.. Which I have not officially posted here on steemit yet. I plan to when I get to 1000 or 2000 followers.. But.. Here's a sneak peak. :)


Very good ... I like it :)

Glad to hear you like it! :)

you are welcome :)

amzing photography..!!
great photo shot..!

Great photo mate. Taking a bit of an interest in photography myself lately. Don't know anything about cameras and stuff though. Just using my old camera phone for now which isn't very good but need to get myself something decent when I get the chance.

Thanks man. That's cool you're taking an interest in photography! You can do a lot with these cell phone cameras.. Though a better camera definitely helps. If you want any help with that subject feel free to ask! I know a good amount about the subject. :)

Cheers mate. really appreciate that. I'm really sorry I haven't had much time and it's been a few days since I checked your page so will try and have a look today at some point. I know there'll be some interesting thoughts waiting for me when I do. :)

Hope everything is going well at your end buddy! Can't wait to have another wee chat about this crazy world we find ourselves in. :)

Oh my gosh, that's a beautiful picture of some really impressive nature!

Welcome to Siberia! We have a lot of snow :-)

Super colors. I'm photographer too. I follow you.

Great pic. Your dad is very talented. Followed.

Absolutely love the contrast between the colours. Depending on which part of the picture you focus on, you can either get a ''warm'' or a ''chilly'' feeling regarding the temperature :)