Daily Photo. 13/12/2019

in #photography5 years ago

DSC_0001 - Copy - Copy.JPGHere is a photo i want to share today. Daily photo share initiated by @anggadima

asphalt mixing plant atau biasa disebut AMP merupakan mesin besar pencampur bahan-bahan pembuatan aspal. material batu yang dipecahkan sesuai ukuran spesifikasi serta pasir yang dicuci bersih dicampur dengan aspal sebelum dibawa ke lokasi kerja untuk dihampar dalam pembuatan jalan.

asphalt mixing plant or commonly called AMP is a big machine to mix asphalt making materials. stone material that is broken to the size of the specifications and washed sand mixed with asphalt before being taken to the work site to be laid out in road construction.