A cat named Lyalya.
When I got up in the morning, she would get up and beg for food. And when I was eating I sat down on a nearby chair and made me a company for breakfast.
With this cat you will never find peace. When I was going to college, she had time to chew my bag, sneak socks and pendant
Then she began to rush around the apartment and wake everyone up!
On his feet was raised the whole house: she runs, jumps, climb on the carpet on the wall not.
And she eats a lot, well, on her I can see it 😂
Lyalya and a new sketch :)
Кошка по имени Ляля.
Когда я встала утром, она вставала и просила еды. И когда я ела, кошка села на соседний стул и сделал мне компанию на завтрак.
С этой кошкой вы никогда не найдете мира. Когда я собирался в колледж, у нее было время пережевывать мою сумку, подшивать носки и кулон
Затем она начала метаться по квартире и разбудить всех!
Из-за Ляли был поднят весь дом: она бежит, прыгает, поднимается на ковер на стене.
И она много ест, ну по ней это видно 😂
Cat funny
thank you!
Yes are welcome.
I have new post
The average lifespan of an outdoor-only cat is about 3 to 5 years while an indoor-only cat can live 16 years or much longer.
Lovely kitten
thanks friend
Nice cat...i love cat..good post @andrianna
thank you!
I have cat

hahah) cat and kitten. cute :)
wow very Beautifulll 😍😍
many thanks!
layla is the most like..i call it layla do u give me layla @andrianna
Oh my! You make me miss my cat. It was only 6 months ago, but it seems like so long ago. :(
I am sad, but happy for the good memories.
And I love hearing about and seeing your cat, and your drawings. Thanks for lifting my day and bringing a smile to my face. :)
Naughty cats cool sketch. @andrianna
ohhhh she is pretty. Her colour is wonderful.
You are lucky girl
Lyalya looks very cute and quite playful. :) Good post. :)
Russian Blue's are very pretty cats in my opinion. My parents have one, i'm thinking of adopting him for myself.